Pengembangan model permainan tradisional untuk membangun karakter pada siswa SD kelas atas
Author(s) -
Puput Widodo,
Ria Lumintuarso
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
jurnal keolahragaan
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2461-0259
pISSN - 2339-0662
DOI - 10.21831/jk.v5i2.7215
Subject(s) - humanities , psychology , art
Penelitian ini mengadaptasi penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan model Borg & Gall dengan menyederhanakan menjadi 2 tahapan sebagai berikut (1) tahap pra-pengembangan, tahapan ini meliputi (a) kajian literatur dan penelitian relevan dan (b) studi lapangan, (2) tahap pengembangan, tahapan ini meliputi (a) penyusunan draf, (b) validasi ahli, (c) uji coba model skala kecil, (d) uji coba model skala besar, dan (e) produk akhir. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 30 anak kelas atas SDN Aditirto Pejagoan Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Uji coba skala besar dilakukan terhadap 130 anak kelas atas dari SD Negeri 1 Karangpoh, 26 siswa SD Negeri 1 Logede, 22 siswa SD Negeri 4 Pejagoan, 24 siswa SD Negeri 1 Kebulusan, dan 30 siswa SD Negeri 3 Kebulusan Kecamatan Pejagoan, Kabupaten Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah wawancara, kuisioner penilaian karakter permainan tradisional, kuisioner observasi pengembangan permainan tradisional, kuisioner observasi keefektifan model permainan tradisional, kuisioner penilian observasi ahli media, dan kuisioner evaluasi siswa. Hasil penelitian berupa pengembangan model permainan tradisional terdiri dari 3 jenis permainan yaitu: (1) permainan goteng, (2) lari papan/segi empat, dan (3) kasti tangan. Berdasarkan penilaian para ahli materi dan guru penjasorkes dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan model permainan tradisional yang disusun sangat baik dan efektif, sehingga model permainan layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani pada siswa kelas atas. Developing Models of Traditional Games to Build Characters of Elementary School Students of Upper Grades AbstractThe study was conducted through two stages by adapting the research and development of educational models Borg & Gall as follows (1) pre-development stage, this stage include (a) review of relevant literature and research, and (b) field studies, (2) the development stage, this stage include; (a) drafting, (b) validation expert, (c) testing of small-scale models, (d) testing large-scale models, and (e) of the final product.The small-scale tryout was conducted by involving 30 students of upper grades of state elementary schools (SES) of Aditirto, Pejagoan sub-district, Kebumen regency, Central Java porovinsi. The large-scale tryout was conducted by involving 130 students of upper grades of SES 1 of Karangpoh, 26 students of SES 1 of Logede, 22 students of SES 4 of Pejagoan, 24 students of SES 1 of Kebulusan, and 30 students of SES 3 of Kebulusan Pejagoan sub-district, Kebumen regency, Central Java porovinsi. The data collecting instruments were an interview guideline, a questionnaire to assess characters of traditional games, a questionnaire to assess the traditional game development, a questionnaire for the assessment by the media expert, and a questionnaire for the evaluation by students. The results of the study of the development of models of traditional games were three types of games, i.e: (1) goteng game, (2) board/rectangle running, and (3) hand kasti. Based on the assessment by the materials experts and the teachers of physical, sports, and health education, it could be concluded that the developed modals of traditional games were very good and effective so that they were appropriate to be used in the learning physical education for the students of upper grades.