Weed Suppression by Annual Legume Cover Crops in No‐Tillage Corn
Author(s) -
Fisk John W.,
Hesterman Oran B.,
Shrestha Anil,
Kells James J.,
Harwood Richard R.,
Squire John M.,
Sheaffer Craig C.
Publication year - 2001
Publication title -
agronomy journal
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.752
H-Index - 131
eISSN - 1435-0645
pISSN - 0002-1962
DOI - 10.2134/agronj2001.932319x
Subject(s) - cover crop , agronomy , weed , sowing , perennial plant , biology , legume , weed control , red clover , annual plant , crop , cropping system , tillage
Cover crops often reduce density and biomass of annual weeds in no‐till cropping systems. However, cover crops that over‐winter also have the potential to reduce crop yield. Currently, there is an interest in annual medics ( Medicago spp.) and other annual legumes that winter‐kill for use as cover crops in midwestern grain cropping systems. A 2‐yr study was conducted at East Lansing and the Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, to investigate the influence of annual legume cover crops on weed populations. Two annual medic species [burr medic ( M. polymorpha cv. Santiago) and barrel medic ( M. truncatula Gaertn. cv. Mogul)], berseem clover ( Trifolium alexandrinum L. cv. Bigbee), and medium red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.) were no‐till seeded as cover crops into winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) stubble in a winter wheat/corn ( Zea mays L.) rotation system. Density of winter annual weeds were between 41 and 78% lower following most cover crops when compared with no cover control in 2 out of 4 site years, while dry weight was between 26 and 80% lower in all 4 site years. Impact of cover crops on the density of summer annual weeds was infrequent; however, weed dry weights were reduced by 70% in 1995 following burr medic and barrel medic. Dry weight of perennial weeds before corn planting were 35 to 75% lower following annual legumes compared with the control, while weed density was not affected. This study indicated a potential for annual legumes to reduce weed density and growth in no‐till corn grain systems.