Author(s) -
Achmad Achmad,
Elis Nina Herliyana,
Osica Asno Ferina Yurti,
Anang Pranoto Hidayat
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
jurnal penelitian tanaman industri (industrial crops research journal)/jurnal penelitian tanaman industri
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2528-6870
pISSN - 0853-8212
DOI - 10.21082/jlittri.v15n1.2009.46-51
Subject(s) - pleurotus , biology , food science , horticulture , agar , mushroom , bacteria , genetics
ABSTRAK Studi in vitro tentang karakteristik fungi isolat Pleurotus spp. telahdilaksanakan di Bogor dari bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2004. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan faktorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap danbertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh media, temperatur inkubasi dan pHmedia terhadap 6 isolat Pleurotus sp. Karakter lain yang juga dipelajariadalah kemampuan untuk mengoksidasi asam tanat dan asam galat dalammedia agar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pleurotus isolat sp.6dan sp.8 tumbuh baik pada media MPA, isolat Pleurotus sp.1, 3 dan 4pada media MEA dan isolate sp.2 pada media PDA. Kecuali isolat sp.8,isolat lainnya tidak dapat tumbuh pada temperatur 10 dan 35 o C. Pertum-buhan isolat sp.8 terbaik dibandingkan isolat lainnya pada semuatemperatur. Diameter koloni isolat lainnya hanya mencapai 0,2 – 2,33 cm.Pertumbuhan isolat sp.8 juga terbaik pada semua pH media diikuti isolatsp.6 kemudian isolat sp.4. Semua isolat menunjukkan reaksi oksidasipositif pada agar asam tanat dan asam galat yang ditunjukkan oleh warnacoklat pada media yang melingkari koloni. Kata kunci : Pleurotus spp, media, temperature, pH, oksidasi, asam tanat,asam galat ABSTRACT Physiological Characteristics of Pleurotus spp. IsolatesPhysiological characteristics of some Pleurotus sp. isolates werestudied in vitro, from July until August 2004 in Bogor. Experiments tostudy the effect of kind of media, temperature of incubation room, and pHof medium on six isolates of Pleurotus sp. were arranged in factorialrandomized complete design and replicated three times with colony in apetri dish as experimental units. Another physiological character studiedwas the ability to oxidize tannic and gallic acids in agar medium. Resultsshowed that isolates Pleurotus sp.6 and -8 grew better in MPA medium,Pleurotus sp.1, -3, and -4 in MEA, and Pleurotus sp.2 in PDA. ExceptPleurotus sp.8, other isolates could not grow in incubation roomtemperature of 10 and 35 o C. The growth of Pleurotus sp.8 was the bestamong the isolates in all temperature levels. Other isolates grew poorly in20 and 29o C with diameter range was 0.2 – 2.33 cm. The growth ofPleurotus sp.8 was also the best in all pH medium levels, followed byPleurotus sp.6, and then Pleurotus sp.4. All isolates showed positiveoxidative reaction on tannic and gallic acid agar indicated by brown colorof the medium around the colony. Key words: Pleurotus spp., medium, temperature, pH, oxidation, tannicacid, gallic acid