Karakteristik Fisiologi Daun Aren Varietas Akel Toumuung
Author(s) -
Nurhaini Mashud,
Farida Octavia
Publication year - 2016
Publication title -
buletin palma
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2528-7141
pISSN - 1979-679X
DOI - 10.21082/bp.v16n1.2015.49-56
Subject(s) - physics , food science , mathematics , biology
ABSTRAK Apabila ditinjau dari karakter fisiologi, tanaman aren memiliki karakter yang sangat berbeda dengan kelapa atau pinang walaupun ketiga tanaman ini termasuk famili palma. Daun sebagai organ fotosintetik memiliki bermacam-macam pigmen aseptor elektron yang mendukung proses fotosintesis, antara lain klorofil. Selain itu, dalam daun terdapat stomata yang berfungsi sebagai alat adaptasi tanaman terhadap cekaman kekeringan, dan trikoma yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung dari kerusakan mekanis yang telah terbukti pada tanaman kelapa. Penelitian tentang karakter fisiologis daun tanaman aren varietas Akel Toumuung dilakukan dengan tujuan mempelajari karakter-karakter fisiologis daun, yaitu klorofil, stomata dan trikoma. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Kumlembuai, Pinaras dan Walian, Kotamadya Tomohon, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada bulan Juni 2012, menggunakan metode deskriptif. Untuk analisis karakteristik fisiologis, contoh daun diambil pada daun nomor 14, kemudian dianalisis di laboratorium Ekofisiologi, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Palma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan klorofil total daun tanaman aren varietas Akel Toumuung di Kumelembuai, Pinaras dan Walian berturut-turut adalah 1,89 mg/g berat segar, 2,18 mg/g berat segar dan 1,85 mg/g berat segar klorofil a; 1,38 mg/g berat segar, klorofil a 1,80 mg/g berat segar, dan 1,04 mg/g berat segar; serta klorofil b 0,69 mg/g berat segar, 0,82 mg/g berat segar dan 0,67 mg/g berat segar. Jumlah stomata/mm2 berturut-turut adalah 24,78, 29,22 dan 29,11. Jumlah trikoma berturut-turut adalah 2,89, 5,67 dan 4,56. Kandungan klorofil dan stomata daun aren kurang dari tanaman kelapa, tetapi jumlah trikomanya lebih banyak dari tanaman kelapa. Karakter fisiologis tanaman aren ini menggambarkan ciri tanaman yang tumbuh pada lahan yang ternaungi. Kata kunci: Karakter fisiologi, klorofil, stomata, trikoma, daun aren. Physiology Characteristic of Toumuung Sugar Palm Leaf ABSTRACT In term of physiology character, sugar palm has a very different character with coconut or arecanut although all three plants including in palm family. Leaves as organ of photosynthetic have an assortment of electron acceptors pigment that supports the process of photosynthesis, among others chlorophyll. In addition, there are stomata in the leaves, which serves as a means of adaptation tool of plants to drought stress, and trichomes that serves as a protection from mechanical damage that has been proven in the coconut palm. Research on the physiological characters of tall sugar palm leaves was done to study the physiological characters of leaves, namely chlorophyll, stomata and trichomes. The study was conducted in the villages of Kumelembuai, Pinaras and Walian, the Municipality of Tomohon, North Sulawesi Province in June 2012, using descriptive method. For the analysis of the physiological characteristics, leaf samples were taken on leaf number 14, then analyzed in the Ecophysiology laboratory, Palma Research Institute. The results showed that total chlorophyll, content of sugar palm in Kumelembuai, Pinaras and Walian was 1.89 mg/g fresh weight, 2.18 mg/g fresh weight and 1.85 mg/g fresh weight; chlorophyll a is 1,38 mg/g fresh weight, 1,81 mg/g fresh weight dan 1,04 mg/g fresh weight; chlorophyll b is 0,69 mg/g fresh weight, 0,82 mg/g fresh weight and 0,67 mg/g fresh weight respectively. Number of stomata/mm2 is 24.78, 29.22 and 29.11, respectively. Number of trichomes/mm2 were 2,89, 5,67 dan 4,56, respectively. Chlorophyll content and the amount of leaves stomata of sugar palm less than coconut palm, but the amount of trichomes more than coconut palm. This sugar palm physiological characters describe the plants that grow in the shaded area. Keywords: Character physiology, chlorophyll, stomata, trichomes, palm leaf.