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open-access-imgOpen AccessW mieście kapłanów, uczonych i artystów. Rzymskie lata ks. Władysława Gorala (1920-1922)
Cezary Taracha
Publication year2020
Publication title
roczniki humanistyczne
Resource typeJournals
PublisherThe Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
In 1920-1922, Władysław Goral later an auxiliary Bishop of Lublin (1938), martyr of World War II and blessed (1999) stayed in Rome. There, at the Gregorian University, he completed his philosophical studies with a doctoral degree. This article is the first attempt to look at this period of the life of the future bishop. The author analyzes the available information about various aspects of his stay in Rome, studies, contacts and acquaintances. He also raises questions about the importance of this time for the spiritual, Intellectual and cultural formation of Father Goral. In conclusion, he states that the experience of the universality of the Catholic Church, contact with the international environment of scholars, people of culture, and communing with the great artistic heritage of Rome significantly shaper the personality of the future blessed.
Subject(s)ancient history , art , classics , history , martyr , original sin , personality , philosophy , psychoanalysis , psychology , religious studies , theology

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