Open Access
Chronicle and mix
Author(s) -
V. V. Nikolaev
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
nevrologičeskij vestnik
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2304-3067
pISSN - 1027-4898
DOI - 10.17816/nb52862
Subject(s) - permission , presentation (obstetrics) , institution , family medicine , psychology , medicine , law , political science , surgery
- The rule of admission of female doctors to scientific employment in educational auxiliary institutions of the Imperial Military Medical Academy is also extended to the clinic of mental and nervous diseases, which is currently an independent institution, not subordinate to the military so far. Women doctors will be admitted to this clinic (for a period of two years) with a special permission for each case of permission of the head of the Academy on the presentation of the director of the clinic, Academician V.M.Bekhterev.-Nov. Time.