Ekstrak Angkak dan Bekatul untuk Mencegah Peroksidasi Lipid Tikus Spague-Dawley Hiperglikemik
Author(s) -
Hasim Hasim,
Moh Asroriy Nuris,
Agus Setyono,
Eka Nurul Qomaliyah,
Didah Nur Faridah
Publication year - 2020
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2460-5921
DOI - 10.17728/jatp.6077
Subject(s) - traditional medicine , medicine , bran , food science , pharmacology , biology , raw material , ecology
Angkak dan bekatul merupakan pangan fungsional yang berpotensi sebagai agen terapi untuk mengendalikan gula darah, dikarenakan kandungan antioksidan alaminya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh campuran ekstrak angkak dan bekatul dalam menghambat peroksidasi lipid serta efeknya terhadap organ pankreas, hati dan ginjal tikus hiperglikemik secara histopatologi. Tikus dibagi ke dalam 7 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol normal, kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, formulasi ekstrak angkak bekatul kelompok I, II, III dan IV (20:1400, 40:700, 30:1050, dan 60:2100 mg/kg BB). Parameter pengujian yang dilakukan adalah konsentrasi malondialdehid (MDA) dan aktivitas enzim aminotransferase (ALT/AST) serum darah tikus dan histopatologi organ pankreas, hati dan ginjal. Campuran terbaik dalam menghambat pembentukan MDA dan peningkatan enzim ALT/AST adalah kelompok III dengan konsentrasi MDA (3,.31±0,.53 nmol/ml) dan aktivitas enzim ALT (35,.80±5,.63 U/l) tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol normal (4,.85±2,.32 nmol/ml) dan (27,.85±8,.13), sementara aktivitas enzim AST (67,.221±16,.05) mengalami penurunan namun berbeda nyata dengan kontrol normal (4,.365±0,.00). Kondisi histopatologi organ pankreas, hati, dan ginjal tikus semua kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan kemampuan dalam memperbaiki kerusakan organ. Kesimpulannya, campuran angkak dan bekatul 30:1050 mg/kg BB memiliki kemampuan terbaik dalam meghambat peroksidan lipid.Angkak and Rice Bran Extract to Prevent Lipid Peroxidation in Spague-Dawley Rats HyperglycemicAbstractAngkak and rice bran is a functional food that has potential as a therapeutic agent to control blood sugar. This potential is due to the content of natural antioxidants in red yeast rice and rice bran. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of angkak and rice bran extract as lipid peroxidation inhibition. The effect on the pancreatic, liver and kidney organs in hyperglycemic rats by histopatological study was also analyzed. Rats were divided into 7 groups namely normal control group, negative control, positive control, rice bran extract formulation on gorup I, II, III, IV (20: 1400, 40: 700, 30: 1050, and 60: 2100 mg/kg BW). The analysis parameters carried out were the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), the activity of the serum alanine/aspartat aminotransferase (ALT/AST) enzymes and rat histopathology of pancreatic, liver and kidney organs. The best mixture of angkak and rice bran to inhibit the formation of MDA and increase the ALT/AST enzyme was group III with MDA concentration (3,.31±0.,53 nmol/ml) and ALT enzyme activity (35.,80±5,.63 U/l) was not significantly different from normal control (4,.85±2,.32 nmol/ml) and (27.,85±8,.13), while the enzyme activity of AST (67,221±16,.05) decreased but was significantly different from normal controls (4,365±0,.00). Histopathological conditions of pancreatic, liver, and kidney organs of rats in all treatment groups showed the ability to repair damaged organs. In conclusion, the mixture of red yeast rice and rice bran 30:1050 mg/kg BW had the best ability to inhibit lipid antioxidants.