Author(s) -
Yanti Lusiyanti,
Mukh Syaifudin
Publication year - 2014
Publication title -
jurnal forum nuklir/jurnal forum nuklir
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2580-9547
pISSN - 1978-8738
DOI - 10.17146/jfn.2008.2.1.1276
Subject(s) - ionizing radiation , physics , irradiation , nuclear physics
AbstrakInteraksi radiasi pengion dengan sistem biologi dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam efek biologik yang akan dimanifestasikan baik pada tingkat seluler, sitogenetik maupun tingkat molekuler. Berbagai macam metode biologik yang dimaksudkan untuk memperkirakan dosis radiasi telah dikembangkan oleh banyak peneliti menggunakan efek tersebut terutama dalam hal teIjadinya peristiwa kecelakaan radiasi. Hal ini dipertegas lagi dengan kenyataan bahwa dosimetri fisik tidak dapat diandalkan secara sendirian. Dengan kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, ulasan ulang ini memberikan gambaran yang meluas akan pentingnya uji atau biomarker dalam dosimetri biologi seperti kromosom disentrik, mikronuklei, fragmen kromosom,biokimia darah dan spermatogenesis. Adapun sampel biologik yang dapat dipergunakanuntuk pengkajian dosis radiasi yang diterima oleh pekeIja maupun korban kecelakaanantara lain darah, sperma, rambut, dan urin.Kata kunci : Interaksi radiasi pengion, sistem biologiAbstractInteraction between ionizing radiation with biological system could results in various types of biological effects which will be manifested either in cellular, cytogenetics or molecular levels. Various types of biological methods with the aim for predicting radiation dose have been developed by many researchers by using these effects mainly in the case of radiation accident. This case is supported by the fact that physical dosimetry could not available as alone. With their own advantages and disadvantages, this review provides a broader figure about the importance of assays or markers in biological dosimetry such as dicentric chromosome, micronuclei, chromosomal fragment, biochemistry of blood and spermatogenesis. Whereas the biological samples that can be used for assessing the radiation dose received by workers or accidental victims are blood, sperm, hair, and urine.Keywords: Interaction between ionizing radiation, biological system