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open-access-imgOpen AccessCzy szczęście przyjmuje kształt litery U? Polityka senioralna a dobrostan osób starszych
Maciej Górny,
Artur Marcin Lorek,
Publication year2021
Publication title
polityka i społeczeństwo
Resource typeJournals
PublisherUniversity of Rzeszow
Previous studies of the “happiness curve” have shown that building psychological resilience to limitations typical of elderly people, allows us to reverse the negative trend in the level of subjective well-being. Activities, in the field of social, economic and health policy implemented by local government units and central authorities can improve the quality of aging. The aim of this article is to investigate the determinants of seniors' happiness, with particular emphasis on the potential of senior policy in its support, which will allow the development of a model of “senior well-being policy” and the development of a catalog of recommendations.
Subject(s)economic growth , economics , field (mathematics) , gerontology , government (linguistics) , happiness , linguistics , mathematics , medicine , philosophy , physics , political science , psychological resilience , psychology , pure mathematics , resilience (materials science) , social psychology , thermodynamics

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