Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian HIV/AIDS pada Wanita (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Kendal)
Author(s) -
Siti Musyarofah,
Suharyo Hadisaputro,
Budi Laksono,
Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro,
Lintang Dian Saraswati
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
jurnal epidemiologi kesehatan komunitas
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2615-4854
DOI - 10.14710/j.e.k.k.v2i1.3968
Subject(s) - medicine , demography , socioeconomic status , logistic regression , population , human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) , environmental health , cluster sampling , condom , immunology , syphilis , sociology
Background: HIV/AIDS are major problem that threatens Indonesia and many countries around the world. In 2011 there were 17.3 million adults living with AIDS were women. The purpose of studies proved that host and environmental factors were associated the occurence of HIV/AIDS in women. Method: The research using case-control study, was supported by indepth interview. The target population were women in Kendal with a sample of 76 women consisted of 38 women with HIV/AIDS and 38 women negative HIV. Samples case with consecutive sampling technique, control with cluster sampling. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test and multivariate analysis used logistic regression. Results: Multivariate analysis showed that host factors signicantly associated with the occurence of HIV/AIDS in women were the number of sexual partners more than 1 (p = 0,003), level of education was low ≤ 9 years (p = 0,049) and the rst married age < 20 years (p = 0,03); environment factors signicantly associated was history of HIV/AIDS on her husband (p=0,001). Host factors were not signicantly associated with the occurence of HIV/AIDS in women were history of receiving blood donors, history of sexually transmitted diseases, the status of drug users, the habit of drinking alcohol, violence, type of job, and socioeconomic. Conclusion: Host factors signicantly associated with the occurence of HIV/AIDS in women were the number of sexual partners more than 1, level of education was low ≤ 9 years, and the rst married age <20 years; environment factors signicantly associated was history of HIV/AIDS on her husband. Background:HIV/AIDSaremajorproblemthatthreatensIndonesiaandmanycountriesaround theworld.In2011therewere17.3millionadultslivingwithAIDSwerewomen.Thepurposeof studiesprovedthathostandenvironmentalfactorswereassociatedtheoccurenceofHIV/AIDS inwomen.Method:Theresearchusingcase-controlstudy,wassupportedbyindepthinterview.Thetarget population were women in Kendal with a sample of 76 women consisted of 38 women with HIV/AIDSand 38 women negative HIV. Samples case with consecutive sampling technique, controlwithclustersampling.Bivariateanalysisusingchi-squaretestandmultivariateanalysis usedlogisticregression.Results: Multivariateanalysisshowedthathostfactorssignicantlyassociatedwiththe occurenceofHIV/AIDSinwomenwerethenumberofsexualpartnersmorethan1(p=0,003), levelofeducationwaslow≤9years(p=0,049)andtherstmarriedage<20years(p=0,03); environmentfactorssignicantlyassociatedwashistoryofHIV/AIDSonherhusband(p=0,001).HostfactorswerenotsignicantlyassociatedwiththeoccurenceofHIV/AIDSinwomen were history of receiving blood donors, history of sexually transmitted diseases, the status of drugusers,thehabitofdrinkingalcohol,violence,typeofjob,andsocioeconomic.Conclusion: Host factors signicantly associated with the occurence of HIV/AIDS in women werethenumberofsexualpartnersmorethan1,levelofeducationwaslow≤9years,andtherst marriedage<20years;environmentfactorssignicantlyassociatedwashistoryofHIV/AIDSon herhusband.