Open Access
Generic Features of Evolution and Its Continuity: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
Author(s) -
Ulrich Witt
Publication year - 2008
Publication title -
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.2
H-Index - 15
eISSN - 2171-679X
pISSN - 0495-4548
DOI - 10.1387/theoria.429
Subject(s) - perspective (graphical) , epistemology , sociology , transdisciplinarity , environmental ethics , cognitive science , philosophy , computer science , psychology , artificial intelligence
Because of the intellectual attraction of the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, its concepts are often borrowed to conceptualized evolutionary change also in non-biological domains. However, a heuristic strategy like that is problematic. An attempt is therefore made to identify generic features of evolution which transcend domain-specific characteristics. Epistemological, conceptual, and methodological implications are discussed, and the ontological question is raised how non-biological evolutionary theories can be accommodated within the Darwinian world view of modern sciences