Open Access
Highly directional thermal emission from two-dimensional silicon structures
Author(s) -
Troy Ribaudo,
David W. Peters,
A. Robert Ellis,
Paul Davids,
Eric A. Shaner
Publication year - 2013
Publication title -
optics express
Language(s) - Uncategorized
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.394
H-Index - 271
ISSN - 1094-4087
DOI - 10.1364/oe.21.006837
Subject(s) - emissivity , optics , materials science , rigorous coupled wave analysis , finite difference time domain method , surface plasmon polariton , surface plasmon , infrared , grating , optoelectronics , silicon , thermal radiation , absorption (acoustics) , total internal reflection , low emissivity , diffraction grating , plasmon , physics , thermodynamics
We simulate, fabricate, and characterize near perfectly absorbing two-dimensional grating structures in the thermal infrared using heavily doped silicon (HdSi) that supports long wave infrared surface plasmon polaritons (LWIR SPP's). The devices were designed and optimized using both finite difference time domain (FDTD) and rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) simulation techniques to satisfy stringent requirements for thermal management applications requiring high thermal radiation absorption over a narrow angular range and low visible radiation absorption over a broad angular range. After optimization and fabrication, characterization was performed using reflection spectroscopy and normal incidence emissivity measurements. Excellent agreement between simulation and experiment was obtained.