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Phase-matching loci and angular acceptance of non-collinear optical parametric amplification
Author(s) -
Benoît Trophème,
Benoı̂t Boulanger,
Gabriel Mennerat
Publication year - 2012
Publication title -
optics express
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.394
H-Index - 271
ISSN - 1094-4087
DOI - 10.1364/oe.20.026176
Subject(s) - optics , phase matching , parametric statistics , phase (matter) , physics , optical parametric amplifier , materials science , optical amplifier , laser , statistics , mathematics , quantum mechanics
A general study of phase-matching loci and associated angular acceptances is performed in the case of non-collinear parametric amplification. Numerical and analytical calculations, as well as measurements, are described for the uniaxial BBO crystal and the biaxial LBO crystal.

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