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“The Returning Echoes of Our Memory”: Networks of Memory and Postcolonial Trauma in Tan Twan Eng’s The Gift of Rain
Author(s) -
Vandana Saxena
Publication year - 2019
Publication title -
kritika kultura/kritika kultura (online)
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.13
H-Index - 5
eISSN - 2094-6937
pISSN - 1656-152X
DOI - 10.13185/kk2020.03309
Subject(s) - colonialism , trace (psycholinguistics) , nationality , ethnic group , storytelling , gender studies , sociology , history , space (punctuation) , anthropology , literature , art , immigration , narrative , linguistics , archaeology , philosophy

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