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open-access-imgOpen AccessCueing Hierarchy Is an Effective Language Stimulator Treatment Technique of Language Disorder for Patients with Anomic Aphasia
Asha Nurvin Jahan,
Kamrujjaman Mohammad
Publication year2019
Publication title
dubai medical journal
Resource typeJournals
PublisherKarger Publishers
Background: Stroke and degenerative disease are the cause of anomic aphasia. In this condition, expressive language is affected. Cueing hierarchy (CH) is one of the treatment approaches used to improve the expressive language of naming or efficiency in word retrieval of patients with anomic aphasia. Purpose: In this study, the investigators tried to find out how and what type of changes would occur in the word retrieval (noun) of patients with anomic aphasia using CH. Methods: This study was conducted using a pre-experimental study design. Ten samples were selected by purposive sampling from the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP), Savar and Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Results: Before and after the test, the patients were assessed by the BNT (Boston Naming Test) translated in Bangla as a data collection tool and were administered 16 sessions for therapy. The result was analyzed by the inferential statistical parametric related t test. The result of the participants’ changes was significant in naming performance ( p = 0.006 <0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that CH is effective for patients with anomic aphasia. Further study analyzing different settings and patients from all socioeconomic backgrounds and geographic areas of Bangladesh is warranted.
Subject(s)research article
Keyword(s) Cueing hierarchy , Treatment technique , Language disorder , Anomic aphasia

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