Open Access
The Association of Plasma Fluorescent Oxidation Products and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case-Control Study
Author(s) -
Casey M. Rebholz,
Tianying Wu,
L. Lee Hamm,
Robin Arora,
Islam Enver Khan,
Yanxi Liu,
Chung Shiuan Chen,
Katherine T. Mills,
Stephanie Rogers,
Myra A. Kleinpeter,
Eric E. Simon,
Jing Chen
Publication year - 2012
Publication title -
american journal of nephrology
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.394
H-Index - 85
eISSN - 1421-9670
pISSN - 0250-8095
DOI - 10.1159/000342330
Subject(s) - medicine , kidney disease , case control study , fluorescence , association (psychology) , pathology , philosophy , physics , epistemology , quantum mechanics
Plasma fluorescent oxidation products (FLOP) constitute a stable and easily measured biomarker of cumulative oxidative stress. However, their association with chronic kidney disease (CKD) has not been studied.