Research Library

Premium Calderón Projector for the Hessian of the Perturbed Chern–Simons Function on a 3‐Manifold with Boundary
Himpel Benjamin,
Kirk Paul,
Lesch Matthias
Publication year2004
Publication title
proceedings of the london mathematical society
Resource typeJournals
PublisherOxford University Press
The existence and continuity for the Calderón projector of the perturbed odd signature operator on a 3‐manifold is established. As an application we give a new proof of a result of Taubes relating the modulo 2 spectral flow of a family of operators on a homology 3‐sphere with the difference in local intersection numbers of the character varieties coming from a Heegard decomposition. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 57M27 (primary), 58J32 (secondary).
Subject(s)3 manifold , artificial intelligence , boundary (topology) , chern–simons theory , combinatorics , computer science , engineering , gauge theory , hessian matrix , manifold (fluid mechanics) , mathematical analysis , mathematical physics , mathematics , mechanical engineering , modulo , projector , pure mathematics
SCImago Journal Rank1.899

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