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Premium Meralgia paresthetica secondary to abdominal desmoid tumor
Rattray Kyle,
Schaeffer John
Publication year2014
Publication title
neurology and clinical neuroscience
Resource typeJournals
Abstract Meralgia paresthetica is a mononeuropathy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that supplies sensation to the anterolateral portion of the thigh. Compression of this nerve can lead to paresthesias and neuropathic pain. It is commonly associated with pregnancy, obesity, trauma or diabetes mellitus. Here we present a case of meralgia paresthetica in a 26‐year‐old woman secondary to nerve compression by a desmoid tumor within the internal oblique muscle tissue. Desmoid tumors are fibrous neoplasms originating from musculoaponeurotic structures, and can be locally aggressive and recurrent.
Subject(s)abdominal wall , cutaneous nerve , diabetes mellitus , endocrinology , femoral nerve , fibromatosis , hernia , inguinal canal , inguinal hernia , medicine , mononeuropathy , nerve compression syndrome , obturator nerve , peripheral neuropathy , surgery , thigh
SCImago Journal Rank0.125

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