Asymptomatic Floor‐of‐Mouth Mass in a 79‐Year‐Old Woman Misinterpreted As a Sublingual Gland Mucous Extravasation Cyst
Author(s) -
Pereira Karuza Maria Alves,
Bezerra Thâmara Manoela Marinho,
Chaves Filipe Nobre,
Carvalho Francisco Samuel Rodrigues,
Feitosa Sthefane Gomes,
Albuquerque Assis Filipe Medeiros,
Alves Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes,
Costa Fábio Wildson Gurgel
Publication year - 2015
Publication title -
journal of the american geriatrics society
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.992
H-Index - 232
eISSN - 1532-5415
pISSN - 0002-8614
DOI - 10.1111/jgs.13574
Subject(s) - medicine , ranula , hard palate , cyst , pathology , sublingual gland , anatomy , biopsy , salivary gland , surgery
Presented at the 10th International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society as a poster presentation, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, September 18, 2014. Conflict of Interest: None. Author Contributions: Lim, Alami, Goh, Zhang, Png: study design, acquisition of participants and data, data analysis and interpretation, manuscript preparation. Sponsor’s Role: There was no sponsor for this study.