Short Book Notices
Publication year - 1973
Publication title -
british journal of medical psychology
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.102
H-Index - 62
eISSN - 2044-8341
pISSN - 0007-1129
DOI - 10.1111/j.2044-8341.1973.tb02245.x
Subject(s) - psychology , psychoanalysis
The Analysis of the Self. By H einz K ohut . Depression. By E dith J acobson . Emotional Growth. Volumes I and II. By P hyllis G reenacre . Towards Community Mental Health . Edited by J ohn D. S utherland . Dependence in Man: a Psychoanalytic Study . By H enri P arens and L eon J. S aul . The Unconscious Today: Essays in Honor of Max Schur. Edited by M ark K anzer . The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Volume xxv. Edited by A nna F reud , R uth S. E issler , H einz H artmann , M arianne K ris , S eymour L. L ustman and others . The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child . Volume xxvi. Edited by A nna F reud , R uth S. E issler , M arianne K ris , S eymour L. L ustman and A lbert J. S olnit . Psychological Types (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Volume 6.) A revision by R. F. C. H ull of the translation by H. G. B aynes . Modern Perspectives in Adolescent Psychiatry , no. 4. Edited by J ohn G. H owells . Separation‐Individuation: Essays in Honor of Margaret S. Mahler. Edited by J ohn B. M c D evitt and C alvin F. S ettlage . Anxiety and Ego Formation in Infancy. By S ylvia B rody and S idney A xelrad . Ego Boundaries. By B ernard L andis . New Horizon for Psychotherapy. Edited by R obert R. H olt . Human Development . By E ric R ayner . Non‐Verbal Communication . Edited by R obert A. H inde . Decision and Stress . By D. E. B roadbent . The Social Psychology of the Child with Epilepsy. By C hristopher B agley . Legal Abortion: the English Experience . By A nthony H ordern . Patterns of Residential Care. By R oy D. K ing , N orma V. R aynes and J ack T izard . Information Processing in the Nervous System. Edited by K. N. L eibovic . Disturbed Youth and Ethnic Family Patterns. By R ita F. S tein . Psychotherapy and the Modification of Abnormal Behaviour. By H ans H. S trupp . Invention and the Evolution of Ideas. By D onald A. S chon . Basic Child Psychiatry. By P hilip B arker . Psychotherapy: a Dynamic Approach . By P aul A. D ewald . Psychology in the Industrial Environment. By M. P. F eldman . The Therapeutic Play Group. By M ortimer S chiffer . Prognosis in Paranoid Psychoses. By N ils R etterstöl . Infantile Autism. By G erard B osch . Translated by D erek and I nge J ordan . Childhood Behaviour and Mental Health. By M ichael S hepherd , B ram O ppenheim and S heila M itchell . Adjustment: Models and Mechanisms. By I rving F. T ucker . Long‐Term Prognosis after Attempted Suicide. By N ils R etterstöl . Facing Reality. By J ohn C. E ccles . Psychiatric Disorders in Military Service. By A rne S und . The Cognitive Control of Motivation. Edited by P hilip G. Z imbardo . Black Americans and White Racism. Edited by M arcel L. G oldsciimid . Follow‐up and Classification of Functional Psychoses with Special Reference to Reactive Psychoses. By K jell N oreik . Measurement of Man at Work. Edited by W. T. S ingleton , J. G. F ox and D. W hitfield . Biofeedback and Self‐Control, 1970: An Aldine Annual on the Regulation of Bodily Processes and Consciousness. Edited by T. X. B arber , L. V. D i C ara , J. K amiya , N. E. M iller , D. S hapiro and J. S toyva . Biofeedback and Self‐Control: An Aldine Reader on the Regulation of Bodily Processes and Consciousness. Edited by T heodore X. B arber , L eo V. D i C ara , J oe K amiya , N eal E. M iller , D avid S hapiro and J ohann S toyva . Inquiring Man: the Theory of Personal Constructs. By D. B annister and F ay F ransella . The Process of Becoming Ill . By D avid R obinson . An Introduction to Abnormal Psychology. By J. E. O rme . Personality and Hypnosis. By J osephine R. H ilgard . The Mentally Handicapped Adolescent. By E ileen P. B aranyay . Clinical Psychology in Industrial Organization. Progress in Clinical Psychology , Volume ix. Edited by L awrence E dwin A bt and B ernard F. R iess . Madness and Civilization. Social Science Paperback. By M ichel F oucault . Modern Trends in Drug Dependence and Alcoholism. Edited by R ichaard V. P hillipson . The Schizophrenic Syndrome. An Annual Review. Vol. i, 1971. Edited by R obert C ancro . Papers from ‘The Criminologist’. Edited by N igel M orland . Psychotropic Drug Side Effects. By R ichard I. S hader , A lberto D i M ascio and A ssociates . Psychology in Medicine. By J. E. O rme and F. G. S pear . Love between Women. By C harlotte W olff . The Role of Movement Patterns in Development. By J udith S. K estenberg . The Interface between Psychiatry and Anthropology . Edited by I ago G aldston . (Papers by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, G. M. Carstairs, Robert B. Edgerton, Walter Goldschmidt, Seymour S. Kety, E. D. Wittkower and Guy Dubreuil.) The Manufacture of Madness. By T homas S. S zasz . Introduction to Psychotherapy by Hypnosis. By A. P hilip M agonet . Schizophrenia in Children. By J. L ouise D espert . Learning and Sleep: the Theory and Practice of Hypnopaedia. By F. R ubin . The Object of Morality. By G. J. W arnock . The Image and the Past. By B ertram D. L ewin . Models of Human Memory. Edited by D onald A. N orman . An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. By K arel L ambert and G ordon G. B rittan , J r . Psychotherapeutic Attraction. By A rnold P. G oldstein . A Time to Heal. Corrective Socialization: a Treatment Approach to Childhood Schizophrenia. By W illiam G oldfarb , I rving M intz and K atherine W. S troock . The Interview as Arena. By J ohn D. D avis . Techniques of Therapy. Science and Psychoanalysis , Volume xviii. Edited by J ules H. M asserman . The Fundamentals of Sex. By P hilip C authery and M artin C ole . Emotion in the Human Face. By P aul E kman , W allace V. F riesen and P hoebe E llsworth . Drug Abuse and Personality in Young Offenders. By R. C ockett . Mary Barnes: Two Accounts of a Journey through Madness. By M ary B arnes and J oseph B erke . Homosexual Behaviour: Therapy and Assessment. By M. P. F eldman and M. J. M ac C ulloch . Virgin Wives. By L eonard J. F riedman . Neurosis in the Ordinary Family. By A nthony R yle . Autistic Children . By R aphael S haberman . Psychology of Learning and Motivation. Volume 4. Edited by G ordon H. B ower . Behavior Therapy: Appraisal and Status. Edited by C yril M. F ranks . Primate Behavior: Developments in Field and Laboratory Research. Volume i. Edited by L eonard A. R osenblum . Philosophy, Science, and Method: Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel . Edited by S idney M orgenbesser , P atrick S uppes and M orton W hite . Performance under Sub‐Optimal Conditions. Edited by P. R. D avis . Handbook of Sensory Physiology. Volume i. Principles of Receptor Physiology. Edited by W. R. L oewenstein . Explanation and Meaning: an Introduction to Philosophy. By D aniel M. T aylor . Not by the Color of Their Skin. By M arjorie M c D onald . Identity: Youth and Crisis. By E rik H. E rikson . Motor Impairment and Compensatory Education. By P. R. M orris and H. T. A. W hiting . Morality and Moral Reasoning. Edited by J ohn C asey . Personality and National Character. By R. L ynn . Progress in Group and Family Therapy. Edited by C lifford J. S ager and H elen S inger K aplan . Human Information Processing: an Introduction to Psychology. By P eter H. L indsay and D onald A. N orman . Human Sexual Behavior: a Book of Readings. Edited by B ernhardt L ieberman . Fact and Fantasy in Freudian Theory. By P aul K line . Child Studies Through Fantasy. By R osalind G ould . Recollection and Reconstruction and Reconstruction in Psychoanalysis. Kris Study Group, Monograph IV. Edited by B ernard D. F ine , E dward D. J oseph and H erbert F. W aldhorn . Decisions, Organizations and Society. Edited by F. G. C astles , D. J. M urray and D. C. P otter . Motivation. Second edition. Edited by D albir B indra J ane S tewart . Physiology of Color and Pattern Vision. By K oiti M otokawa . On Being Stoned: a Psychological Study of Marijuana Intoxication. By C harles T. T art . The Non‐Medical Use of Drugs. Visual Perception. By T om N. C ornsweet . Humanistic Psychology. By J ohn A. H ammes . Animal Discrimination Learning. Edited by R. M. G ilbert and N. S. S utherland . Behavior Therapy and Beyond . By A rnold A. L azarus . Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry , Volume 6: The Role of Drugs in Community Psychiatry. Volume Editor: C. S hagass . Series Editors: F. A. F reyhan , N. P etrilowitsch and P. P ichot . Existential Man: the Challenge of Psychotherapy. By R ichard E. J ohnson . Character Structure and Impulsiveness. By D avid K ipnis . Discoveries in Biological Psychiatry. Edited by F rank J. A yd , J r and B arry B lackwell . The Management of Alcoholism. By B ruce R itson and C hristine H assall . Case Studies in Schizophrenia. By C larence G. S chulz and R ose K. K ilgalen . Changing Patterns in Psychiatric Care. Edited by T heodore R othman . Education of the Infant and Young Child. Edited by V ictor H. D enenberg . On Not Being Able to Paint. By M arion M ilner . An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. By D. W. T heobald . A Guide to the Documentation of Psychology. By C. K. E lliott . Aversive Conditioning and Learning . Edited by F. R obert B rush . Beyond Breaking Point. By P eter D eeley . The Challenge: Despair and Hope in the Conquest of Inner Space . By R udolf E kstein . Ego and Instinct. By D aniel Y ankelovicii and W illiam B arrett . Adolescent Rorschach Responses. Revised edition. By L ouise B ates A mes , R uth W. M étraux and R ichard N. W alker . The Briefer Psychotherapies. By L eonard S mall . Shame and Guilt in Neurosis. By H elen B lock L ewis . Dictionary of Psychology and Related Fields. German/English. By H ugo G. B eigel . Cognitive Studies. Volume 2. Deficits in Cognition. Edited by J erome H ellmuth . Sexuality: a Search for Perspective. Edited by D onald L. G rummon and A ndrew M. B arclay . Biographical Directory of the American Psychiatric Association: 1968. Published for the A.P.A. by R. R. Bowker. The Search for an Abortionist. By N ancy H owell L ee . Discussions on Child Development. Volumes i‐iv. Edited by J. M. T anner and B ärbel I nhelder . Modern Psychiatric Treatment. By T homas P. D etre and H enry G. J arecki . C. G. Jung: Psychological Reflections. A New Anthology of His Writings, 1905–1961 . Selected and edited by J olande J acobi . The Lüscher Colour Test. Translated and edited by I an A. S cott . Based on the original German text by D r M ax L üscher .

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