Human and bovine vascular endothelial cells. Comparative effect on cell growth and longevity of an eye‐derived growth factor (EDGF) and of extracellular matrix
Author(s) -
Romquin N.,
Plouet J.,
Barritault D.,
Courtois Y.
Publication year - 1984
Publication title -
biology of the cell
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.543
H-Index - 85
eISSN - 1768-322X
pISSN - 0248-4900
DOI - 10.1111/j.1768-322x.1984.tb00228.x
Subject(s) - biology , extracellular matrix , fetal bovine serum , microbiology and biotechnology , umbilical vein , growth factor , angiogenesis , thrombin , in vitro , immunology , cancer research , biochemistry , receptor , platelet
Human and bovine vascular endothelial cells from the umbilical vein and the aorta, respectively, were cultured in the presence of EDGF (a growth factor prepared from bovine retina) on plastic or on extracellular matrix (ECM). Both EDGF and ECM are required to allow the maximal proliferation of human cells and their organization in a typical monolayer. Conversely, bovine aortic endothelial cells grow perfectly in the absence of both factors in 6% fetal calf serum. However, a requirement for EDGF can also be demonstrated in low serum conditions, or in cells at high passage number. ECM had no growth promoting activity by itself. Thrombin acts similarly to EDGF on bovine serum‐starved cells. EDGF prolongs the in vitro lifespan of both types of cells. Cells at all stages still synthesize factor VIII antigen as revealed by immunofluorescence. Thus EDGF, like other growth factors from brain, FGF or ECGF, may have an important role in angiogenesis, a critical problem in pathological retinas.