Publication year - 1963
Publication title -
international review of mission
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.118
H-Index - 11
eISSN - 1758-6631
pISSN - 0020-8582
DOI - 10.1111/j.1758-6631.1963.tb02940.x
Subject(s) - theology , evangelism , philosophy , humanities
Book reviewed in this article: EX CONTEMPLATIONE: M achet zu J üngern A lle V ölker : T heorie der M ission . By T homas O hm THE DIVINE RETICENCE: I nto a F ar C ountry . Reflections upon the Trajectory of the Divine Word, and upon the Communication, in affairs human and divine, of the Imperative and the Indicative. By E rik R outley ESSAYS ON MISSION: C hrist im W elthorizont . By J an H ermelink . THEOLOGY OF THE APOSTOLATE: L'A nima dell ' A postolato M issionario . By A ndré S eumois THEOLOGY OF THE APOSTOLATE: A postolat : S tructure T héologique . By A ndré S eumois EVANGELISM—THE TASK OF THE WHOLE CHURCH: T he L ayman A broad in the M ission of the C hurch . By P aul L öffler . THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS MESSAGE: T he E vangel and the E vangelist . By P aul D. C lasper A GUIDE FOR TRANSLATORS: A T ranslator's H andbook on the G ospel of M ark . By R obert G. B ratcher and E ugene A. N ida . UNDERSTANDING HISTORY: P our une P hilosophie de l 'H istoire . By J acques M aritain . Traduit de l'Américain par Mgr C harles J ournet . CHURCH AND MISSION IN SWEDEN: K yrka och M ission i S verige , 1868–1901. Svenska Kyrkans Missions tillkomst och första verksamhetstid. By T ore F urberg . CHURCH‐BUILDING IN NEW GUINEA: D ie G eschichte der N euendettelsauer M ission in N euguinea . Band 3: W erdende K irche in N euguinea —K opie oder O riginal ? By D. G eorg P ilhofer . NEW LIGHT ON A DARK AGE: D as M issionsdenken bei P hilipp N icolai . By W illy H ess . CHINESE THOUGHT THROUGH THE AGES: T he P hilosophers of C hina : C lassical and C ontemporary . By C larence B urton D ay . CHRISTIAN INSIGHTS AND INDIAN POLITICS: P roblems of I ndian D emocracy . Edited by P. D. D evanandan and M. M. T homas . HINDU AND CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES: U panishads , G ita and B ible : A C omparative S tudy of H indu and C hristian S criptures . By G eoffrey P arrinder . INTRODUCTION TO ISLAM: C onoscenza del C orano . By L ivio T escaroli . TAHITI AND ITS PEOPLE: T ahitiens : R épertoire B io ‐B ibliographique de la P olynésie F rançaise . By P atrick O'R eilly and R aoul T eissier .