Publication year - 1957
Publication title -
international review of mission
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.118
H-Index - 11
eISSN - 1758-6631
pISSN - 0020-8582
DOI - 10.1111/j.1758-6631.1957.tb01821.x
Subject(s) - theology , asceticism , missiology , philosophy , humanities
Book reviewed in this article: THE MORAVIANS IN SURINAM: H et V isioen van H errnhut en het A postolaat der M oravische B roeders in S uriname 1735–1863. (The Vision of Herrnhut and the apostolate of the Moravian Brethren in Surinam 1735–1863). By J an M arinus van der L inde ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS IN WEST AFRICA: G old C oast M ission H istory , 1471–1880. By R alph M. W iltgen MISSIONARY HISTORY IN CHINA: C hina and the C ross . Studies in Missionary History. By C olumba C ary ‐E lwes MYTH AND RITUAL IN RELATION TO THE BIBLE: T he S iege P erilous : Essays in Biblical Anthropology and Kindred Subjects. By S. H. H ooke THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION: L e P roblème C ardinal de la M issiologie et des M issions C atholiques . By E douard L offeld CONCEPTIONS OF MISSIOLOGY: C urso de M issionologia . By A. D a S ilva R ego EDUCATION AND ‘RAPID SOCIAL CHANGE’: E ducation and C hange . By R. A. H odgkin AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY OF A MISSION: U n S iecle et D emi de C ontacts C ulturels à T anna , N ouvelles H ebrides . By J ean G uiart PRE‐INDUSTRIAL JAPAN AND ITS TRANSFORMATION: T okugawa R eligion : T he V alues of P re ‐I ndustrial J apan . By R obert N. B ellah ISLAMIC SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT: R evelation and R eason in I slam . By A. J. A rberry AFRICA IN A WORLD PERSPECTIVE: A frican H istory In the M aking . By J. M c L eod C ampbell TRIBAL RITUAL IN NORTHERN RHODESIA: C hisungu : A Girl's Initiation Ceremony among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia. By A udrey I. R ichards CRITICAL YEARS OF BECHUANA HISTORY: G reat L ion of B echuanaland . The Life and Times of Roger Price, Missionary. By E dwin W. S mith A LITTLE‐KNOWN UGANDA TRIBE: T he I teso : Fifty Years of Change in a Nilo‐Hamitic Tribe of Uganda. By J. C. D. L awrance FEAR IN EQUATORIAL AFRICA: C es H ommes O nt P eur . By H enri L avignotte ON THE FRINGES OF THAILAND: A scent to the T ribes : Pioneering in North Thailand. By I sobel K uhn A CHINESE CHRISTIAN UNDER COMMUNISM: T he S tory of M ary L iu . By E dward H unter UNICEF IN ASIA: H alf the W orld's C hildren : A Diary of U nicef at work in Asia. By S. M. K eeny THE PROMISE OF JESUS: J esu V erheissung für die V ölker . Franz Delitzsch Lectures for 1953. By J oachim J eremias