Publication year - 1914
Publication title -
international review of mission
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.118
H-Index - 11
eISSN - 1758-6631
pISSN - 0020-8582
DOI - 10.1111/j.1758-6631.1914.tb00745.x
Subject(s) - new guinea , archbishop , theology , philosophy , history , ethnology
Book reviewed in this article: FOUR BOOKS ON SOUTH AFRICA: S outh A frica . By W. A. E lliott FOUR BOOKS ON SOUTH AFRICA: A F ather in G od . The Episcopate of William West Jones, D.D., Archbishop of Capetown. By M ichael H. M. W ood FOUR BOOKS ON SOUTH AFRICA: T he R eal S outh A frica . Introduction by the Right Hon. Andrew Fisher FOUR BOOKS ON SOUTH AFRICA: T he S outh A frican S cene . By V iolet R. M arkham NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: P apua or B ritish N ew G uinea . By J. H. P. M urray NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: T he W ays of the S outh S ea S avage . By R obert W. W illiamson NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: T he L and of the N ew G uinea P ygmies . An account of the story of a pioneer journey of exploration into the heart of New Guinea. By C aptain C. G. R awling NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: A N aturalist in C annibal L and . By A. S. M eek NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: T wenty ‐ one Y ears in P apua . A History of the English Church Mission in New Guinea (1891–1912). By A rthur K ent C hignell NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: A n O utpost in P apua . By A rthur K ent C hignell NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: I n F ar N ew G uinea . A stirring record of work and observation among the people of New Guinea, with a description of their manners, customs and religions. By H enry N ewton NEW GUINEA AS A MISSION FIELD: G reatheart of P apua (James Chalmers). By W. P. N airne NATIVE EDUCATION IN GERMAN COLONIES: D ie S chulen für E ingeborene in den deutschen S chutzgebieten . Von M artin S chlunk NATIVE EDUCATION IN GERMAN COLONIES: D as S chulwesen in den deutschen S chutzgebieten . Von M artin S chlunk PENNELL OF THE AFGHAN FRONTIER: P ennell or the A fghan F rontier : T he L ife of T heodore L eighton P ennell , M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.S. By A lice M. P ennell A STUDY OF FAITHS IN DIVINE INCARNATION: S ome A lternatives to J esus C hrist : A comparative Study of Faiths in Divine Incarnation. By J ohn L eslie J ohnston THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: T wo Y ears with the N atives in the W estern P acific . By D r . F elix S peiser THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: T he C all of the P acific . By J. W. B urton THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: L'É vangélisation des I ndigènes P ar les I ndigènes . Par L éon M archand THE CAMBRIDGE MEDIEVAL HISTORY. VOL. II.: T he C ambridge M edieval H istory . Planned by J. B. B ury . Edited by H. M. G watkin and J. P. W hitney JUDSON: T he I mmortal S even : J udson and his A ssociates . By J ames L. H ill JUDSON: J udson the P ioneer . By J. M ervin H ull JUDSON: A nn of A va . By E thel D aniels H ubbard A READING COURSE IN FOREIGN MISSIONS: T he E xpansion of C hristianity in the T wentieth C entury . A Reading Course. Conducted by Ernest DeWitt Burton and Alonzo Ketcham Parker