Research Library

Premium The Deposits of the Sang Kan Ho Valley
Barbour G. B.
Publication year1925
Publication title
bulletin of the geological society of china
Resource typeJournals
PublisherGeological Publishing House
(Abstract) The specimen is collected from a small outcrop near the Lolo village of Mao Mao Kou, some 30 km. N.N.W. of Hui Li district in S. Szechuan, on the N. slope of Lung Tsao Shan, a prominant mountain some 8,000 feet above the sea, entirely covered by a basaltic lava of Permian age. The latter weathers into a residual red clay which covers the lower slopes. The contact of the syenite with the Lung Tsao Shan lava was not observed owing to the thick cover. East of the occurrence a series of steep dipping red shales appears. The exact relation of this series with the syenite is not clear, but it is probable that they are in actual contact. Further east the red shale series is thrown into contact with a coal series containing Rhætic plant fossils—probably by an overthrust as the whole coal series is highly folded.
Subject(s)archaeology , basalt , coal , geochemistry , geography , geology , geomorphology , lava , oil shale , outcrop , paleontology , permian , series (stratigraphy) , structural basin , volcano
SCImago Journal Rank0.444

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