B ook R eview S ection
Publication year - 1976
Publication title -
personnel psychology
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 6.076
H-Index - 142
eISSN - 1744-6570
pISSN - 0031-5826
DOI - 10.1111/j.1744-6570.1976.tb00427.x
Subject(s) - negotiation , management , psychology , sociology , theology , law , political science , philosophy , economics
Book reviews in this article: R oeber , J oe . Social Change at Work: The ICI Weekly Staff Agreement . B ecker , S elwyn W. and N euhauser , D uncan . The Efficient Organization . F illey , A lan C., H ouse , R obert J. and K err , S teven . Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior . D'A prix , R oger M. In Search of a Corporate Soul . F inch , F rederick , J ones , H alsey R. and L itterer , J oseph A. Managing for Organizational Effectiveness: An Experiential Approach . T aylor , B ernard and L ippitt , G ordon L. (Eds.) Management Development and Training Handbook . N ash , A llan N. and C arroll , S tephen J., J r . The Management of Compensation . W arr , P eter and W all , T oby . Work and Well‐being . W hite , J ames R. H. Successful Supervision . M ahler , W alter R. How Effective Executives Interview: A Guide to Intelligent Inquiry and Counseling . M c C ormick , E rnest J. Human Factors in Engineering and Design . R ubin , J effrey Z. and B rown , B ert R. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation . M yers , M. S cott . Managing Without Unions . M iller , K enneth M. Psychological Testing in Personnel Assessment . W allace , P hyllis A. (Editor) Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case . P arker , L. C raig , J r. and M eier , R obert D. Interpersonal Psychology for Law Enforcement and Corrections . B urke , W. W arner . (Ed.) New Technologies in Organization Development 1 . A dams , J ohn D. (Editor) New Technologies in Organization Development 2 . F ord , D avid L., J r . (Editor) Readings in Minority‐Group Relations . E ckles , R. W., C armichael , R. L. and S archet , B. R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision . T homason , G eorge . A Textbook of Personnel Management . R andolph , R obert M. Planagement—Moving Concept into Reality . B erwitz , C lement J. The Job Analysis Approach to Affirmative Action . M oore , L arry F. (Editor) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology . A lbano , C harles . Transactional Analysis on the Job . A ram , J ohn D. Dilemmas of Administrative Behavior . A rgyris , C hris . Chris Argyris on Organization: Predictions'Prescriptions . B ennis , W arren . The Unconscious Conspiracy: Why Leaders Can't Lead . B lake , R obert and M outon , J ane S rygley . Diary of an OD Man . C ass , E ugene L ouis and Z immer , F rederick G. (Eds.) Man and Work in Society . C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Personnel Management . C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . (Eds.) Readings in Personnel Management . C olter , S herwin B. and G uerra , J ulio J. Assertion Training: A Humanistic Guide to Self‐Dignity . D insmore , F rancis W. Developing Tomorrow's Managers Today . D ubin , R obert . (Editor) Handbook of Work, Organization and Society . D unnette , M arvin D. (Editor) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology . E bon , M artin . The Satan Trap: Dangers of the Occult . F arnsworth , T erry . Developing Executive Talent: A Practical Guide . F ollmann , J oseph F., J r . Alcoholics and Business: Problems, Costs, Solutions . G uttentag , M arcia and S truening , E lmer L. (Eds.) Handbook of Evaluation Research, Vol. 2 . H all , D ouglas T. Careers in Organizations . H oper , C laus , K utzleb , U lrike , S tobbe , A lke and W eber , B ertram . Awareness Games: Personal Growth through Group Interaction . H owell , W illiam C. Essentials of Industrial and Organizational Psychology . H usband , T. M. Work Analysis and Pay Structure . Interviewer's Manual . J ohnson , R ichard A., M onsen , R. J oseph , K nowles , H enry P. and S axberg , B orje O. Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction . K lein , L isl . New Forms of Work Organization . K reps , J uanita and C lark , R obert . Sex, Age, and Work . L andy , F rank J. and T rumbo , D on A. Psychology of Work Behavior . L ange , A rthur J. and J akubowski , P atricia . Responsible Assertive Behavior: Cognitive'Behavioral Procedures for Trainers . L awler , E dward E., III and R hode , J ohn G rant . Information and Control in Organizations . L eibenstein , H arvey . Beyond Economic Man: A New Foundation for Microeconomics . M c G innis , T homas C. and A yers , J ohn U. Open Family Living: A New Approach for Enriching Your Life Together . M orris , W illiam C. and S ashkin , M arshall . Organization Behavior in Action: Skill Building Exercises . O'L eary , L awrence R. Interviewing for the Decision Maker . P alm , J. D aniel . Diet Away Your Stress, Tension, and Anxiety: The Fructose Diet Book . P earse , R obert F. and P elzer , B. P urdy . Self‐Directed Change for the Mid‐Career Manager . R eddin , W. J. Effectiveness Areas: A Self‐Instruction Guide Based on the 3‐D Theory . R endero , T homasine . (Editor) Communicating with Subordinates . R ogers , E verett M. and R ogers , R ekha A garwala . Communication in Organizations . S canlan , B urt K. Management 18: A Short Course for Managers . S chneider , B enjamin . Staffing Organizations . S truening , E lmer L. and G uttentag , M arcia . (Eds.) Handbook of Evaluation Research, Vol. 1 . S zasz , T homas . Heresies . W arner , S ilas L. and R osenberg , E dward B. Your Child Learns Naturally . W orthley , J ean R eese . The Complete Family Nature Guide . Y oder , D ale and H eneman , H erbert G., J r . (Eds.) Employee and Labor Relations, Volume III of the ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations .