Reviews and Short Notices
Publication year - 1987
Publication title -
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.12
H-Index - 15
eISSN - 1468-229X
pISSN - 0018-2648
DOI - 10.1111/j.1468-229x.1987.tb01473.x
Subject(s) - history
The Americas : The Invasion Within: the Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America . By James AxtellThe Americas : Religious Enthusiasm in the New World: Heresy to Revolution By David S. LovejoyThe Americas : Visionary Republic: Millennial Themes in American Thought, 1756–1800 . By Ruth H. BlochThe Americas : Educating Republicans: the College in the Era of the American Revolution, 1750–1800 . By David W. RobsonThe Americas : Traders, Planters, and Slaves: Market Behaviour in Early English America . By David W. GalensonThe Americas : The Peopling of British North America: An Introduction . By Bernard BailynThe Americas : Voyagers to the West: a Passage in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution . By Bernard BailynThe Americas : Tobacco Culture: the Mentality of the Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of the Revolution . By T.H. BreenThe Americas : Smugglers and Patriots: Boston Merchants and the Advent of the American Revolution . By John W. TylerThe Americas : A Diplomatic History of the American Revolution . By Jonathan R. DullThe Americas : George Washington and the American Military Tradition . By Don HigginbothamThe Americas : Law and Letters in American Culture . By Robert A. FergusonThe Americas : Loosening the Bonds: Mid‐Atlantic Farm Women, 1750–1850 . By Joan M. JensenThe Americas : Liberty, A Better Husband: Single Women in America: the Generations of 1780–1840 . By Lee Virginia Chambers‐SchillerThe Americas : The State of Afro‐American History: Past, Present, and Future . Edited by Darlene. C. Hine , with an Introduction by Thomas C. Holt The Americas : Episcopal Vision/American Reality: High Church Theology and Social Thought in Evangelical America . By Robert Bruce MullinThe Americas : The Christian Home in Victorian America . By Colleen McDannellThe Americas : Wendell Phillips: Liberty's Hero . By James Brewster StewartThe Americas : A Master's Due: Essays in Honor of David Herbert Donald . Edited by William J. Cooper Jr, Michael F. Holt, and John McCardellThe Americas : James Gordon Bennett and the New York Herald: A Study of Editorial Opinion in the Civil War Era 1854–1867 . By Douglas FermerThe Americas : Abraham Lincoln and the American Political Tradition . Edited by John L. ThomasThe Americas : White Society in the Antebellum South . By Bruce CollinsThe Americas : Why the South Lost the Civil War . By Richard E. Beringer, Herman Hattaway, Archer Jones and Willian N. Still JrThe Americas : Rebel Raider: the Life of General John Hunt Morgan . By James A. RamageThe Americas : Bold Dragon: the Life of J.E.B. Stuart . By Emory M. ThomasThe Americas : On the Threshold of Freedom: Masters and Slaves in Civil War Georgia . By Clarence L. MohrThe Legal Fraternity and the Making of a New South Community, 1848–1882 . By Gail Williams O'BrienThe Americas : The ‘Spider Web’: Congress and Lobbying in the Age of Grant . By Margaret S. ThompsonThe Americas : Out of Work: the First Century of Unemployment in Massachussetts . By Alexander KeyssarThe Americas : Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America . By Kerby A. MillerThe Americas : Catholic Boston: Studies in Religion and Community 1870–1970 . Edited by Robert E. Sullivan and James M. O'TooleThe Americas : Power and the Promise of School Reform: Grass‐Roots Movements in the Progressive Era . By William J. ReeseThe Americas : The Politics of School Reform, 1870–1940 . By Paul E. PetersonThe Americas : The United States and Mexico . By Josefina Zoraida Vazquez and Lorenzo MeyerThe Americas : Theodore Roosevelt, Culture, Diplomacy, and Expansion: a New View of American Imperialism . By Richard H. CollinThe Americas : Wilson and his Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 . By Arthur WalworthThe Americas : Woodrow Wilson and World War One, 1917–1921 . By Robert H. FerrellThe Americas : The American Churches in World War I . By John F. Piper JrThe Americas : Nothing to Fear: New Perspectives on America in the Thirties . Edited by Stephen Baskerville and Ralph WillettThe Americas : The US Economy in World War II . By Harold G. VatterThe Americas : Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions and the Transformation of Work in American Industry, 1900–1945 . By Sanford M. JacobyThe Americas : Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity, 1920–1940 . By Roland MarchandThe Americas : Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1950 . By Robert A. PollardThe Americas : The Unfinished Journey: America Since World War II . By William H. ChafeThe Americas : Modern America: the United States from World War II to the Present . By Allan M. WinklerThe Americas : Metropolitan America: Urban Life and Urban Policy in the United States, 1940–1980 . By Kenneth FoxThe Americas : Presidential Transitions: Eisenhower Through Reagan . By Carl M. BrauerThe Americas : The Bold Experiment: JFK's Peace Corps . By Gerard T. RiceThe Americas : Inside the Atlantic Triangle: Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland into Confederation, 1939–1949 . By David MackenzieThe Americas : El Servicio Personal de los Indios en la Nueva España , Tomo I 1521–1550; Tomo II 1550–1575 . By Silvio ZavalaThe Americas : Response to Revolution: Imperial Spain and the Spanish American Revolutions, 1810–1840 . By Michael P. CosteloeThe Americas : Between Slavery and Free Labour: the Spanish‐speaking Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century . Edited by Manuel Moreno Fraginals, Frank Moya Pons and Stanley L. EngermanThe Americas : Latin America, Economic Imperialism and the State: the Political Economy of the External Connection from Independence to the Present . Edited by Christopher Abel and Colin M. LewisThe Americas : Argentina 1516–1982 . By David RockAncient and Medieval : The Vikings and America . By Erik WahlgrenAncient and Medieval : Godparents and Kinship in Early Medieval Europe . By Joseph H. LynchAncient and Medieval : Class Conflict and the Crisis of Feudalism: Essays in Medieval Social History . By Rodney HiltonAncient and Medieval : Domesday Book through Nine Centuries . By Elizabeth M. HallamAncient and Medieval : The Government of England under Henry I . By Judith A. GreenAncient and Medieval : Autonomy and Community: The Royal Manor of Havering, 1200–1500 . By M.K. McIntoshAncient and Medieval : The Lady and the Virgin: Image, Attitude, and Experience in Twelfth‐Century France . By Penny Schine GoldAncient and Medieval : From Servitude to Freedom: Manumission in the Sénonais in the Thirteenth Century . By William C. JordanAncient and Medieval : Germany in the High Middle Ages c.1050–1200 . By Horst FuhrmannAncient and Medieval : Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain: the Order of Merced on the Christian‐Islamic Frontier . By James William BrodmanEarly Modern : Food Shortages, Climatic Variability and Epidemic Disease in Preindustrial Europe: The Mortality Peak in the early 1740s . By John B. PostEarly Modern : Turning Swiss: Cities and Empire, 1450–1550 . By Thomas A. Brady JrEarly Modern : Caspar Schwenckfeld, Reluctant radical: His Life to 1540 . By R. Emmet McLaughlinEarly Modern : The Duke of Anjou and the Politique Struggle during the Wars of Religion . By Mack P. HoltEarly Modern : The Chivalric Tradition in Renaissance England . By Arthur B. FergusonEarly Modern : England and Europe 1485–1603 . By Susan DoranEarly Modern : The Reign of Henry VIII: Personalities and Politics . By David StarkeyEarly Modern : Reassessing the Henrician Age: Humanism, Politics and Reform 1500–1550 . By Alistair Fox and John GuyEarly Modern : Henry VIII and the English Nobility . By Helen MillerEarly Modern : The Parliament of England 1559–1581 . By G.R. EltonEarly Modern : The Stuart Constitution, 1603–1688: Documents and Commentary . Edited by J.P. KenyonEarly Modern : Politics and Ideology in England, 1603–1640 . By J.P. SomervilleEarly Modern : Pettyfoggers and Vipers of the Commonwealth: the ‘Lower Branch’ of the Legal Profession in Early Modern England . By C.W. BrooksEarly Modern : The Agrarian History of England and Wales Volume V.I 1640–1750: Regional Farming Systems ; Volume VII 1640–1750: Agrarian Change. Edited by J. ThirskEarly Modern : Freedom and the English Revolution: Essays in History and Literature . Edited by R.C. Richardson and G.M. RiddenEarly Modern : Politics and People in Revolutionary England: Essays in Honour of Ivan Roots . Edited by Colin Jones, Malyn Newitt and Stephen RobertsEarly Modern : Crime and the Courts in England 1600–1800 . By J.M. BeattieEarly Modern : The Wooden World: an Anatomy of the Georgian Navy . By N.A.M. RodgerEarly Modern : Patronage and Politics in Scotland, 1707–1832 . By Ronald M. SunterEarly Modern : Church and University in the Scottish Enlightenment: the Moderate Literati of Edinburgh . By Richard B. SherEarly Modern : Le Refuge Protestant . By Myriam YardeniEarly Modern : Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the Enlightenment . By Maurice CranstonEarly Modern : The Age of Liberty: Sweden 1719–1772 . By Michael RobertsLate Modern : Prophetic Sons and Daughters: Female Preaching and Popular Religion in Industrial England . By Deborah M. ValenzeLate Modern : The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone . By Marvin SwartzLate Modern : The Tories and the People, 1880–1935 . By Martin PughLate Modern : The Edwardian Temperament, 1895–1919 . By Jonathan RoseLate Modern : The German Poets of the First World War . By Patrick BridgwaterLate Modern : World War I and the Weimar Artists: Dix, Grosz, Beckmann, Schlemmer . By Matthias EberleLate Modern : Most Dangerous Women: Feminist Peace Campaigners of the Great War . By Anne WiltsherLate Modern : The Great War and the British People . By J.M. WinterLate Modern : A Stillness Heard Around the World: the End of the Great War, November 1918 . By Stanley WeintraubLate Modern : Mächte and Kräfte im 20 Jahrhundert: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Reden zum 65 Geburtstag . By Walther Hofer . Edited by P. Maurer Late Modern : The Worst Street in London: Campbell Bunk, Islington, Between the Wars . By Jerry WhiteLate Modern : Liberalism Divided: a Study in British Political Thought 1914–1939 . By Michael FreedenLate Modern : The British Economy between the Wars: a Macroeconomic Survey . By S.N. BroadberryLate Modern : British Economic and Social Policy: Lloyd George to Margaret Thatcher . By G.C. PedenLate Modern : New Jerusalems: the Labour Party and the Economics of Democratic Socialism . By Elizabeth DurbinLate Modern : Social Welfare in Britain 1885–1985. Edited by Rex Pope , Alan Pratt and Bernard HoyleLate Modern : Margaret Cole, 1893–1980: a Political Biography . By Betty VernonLate Modern : Casual Labour: the Unemployment Question in the Port Transport Industry, 1880–1970 . By Gordon Phillips and Noel WhitesideLate Modern : The Vatican and Italian Fascism, 1929–32 . By John F. PollardLate Modern : The Politics of Depression in France, 1932–1936 . By Julian JacksonLate Modern : From Munich to the Liberation 1938–1944 . By Jean‐Pierre Azéma . Translated by Janet Lloyd Late Modern : Occupied France: Collaboration and Resistance 1940–1944 . By H.R. KedwardLate Modern : Women in the Resistance . By Margaret L. RossiterLate Modern : Choices in Vichy France: the French under Nazi Occupation . By John F. SweetsLate Modern : The Anschluss Movement 1931–1938 and the Great Powers . By Alfred D. LowLate Modern : Education in the Third Reich: Race and History in Nazi Textbooks . By Gilmer W. BlackburnLate Modern : Germany and the Far Eastern Crisis, 1931–1938: a Study in Diplomacy and Ideology . By John P. FoxLate Modern : Die Britische Appeasementpolitik Entspannung and Nachrüstung 1937–1939 . By Lothar HöbeltLate Modern : Fremdarbeiter: Politik und Praxis des ‘Ausländer‐Einsatzes’ in der Kriegswirtschaft des Dritten Reiches . By Ulrich HerbertLate Modern : Fremdherrschaft und Kollaboration: die Niederlande unter deutscher Besatzung 1940–45 . By G. HirschfeldLate Modern : The Eastern Front, 1941–1945: German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare . By Omer BartovLate Modern : Die Höheren SS‐Und Polizeiführer: Himmlers Vertreter im Reich und in Besatzten Gebieten . By Ruth Bettina BirnLate Modern : The Policies of Genocide: Jews and Soviet Prisoners of War in Nazi Germany . Edited by Gerhard HirschfeldLate Modern : The Impact of Civilian Evacuation in the Second World War . By Travis L. CrosbyLate Modern : The Worst of Times: an Oral History of the Great Depression in Britain . By Nigel GrayLate Modern : Britain Can Take It: British Cinema in the Second World War . By Anthony Aldgate and Jeffrey RichardsLate Modern : Churchill and the Jews . By Michael J. CohenLate Modern : The Audit of War: the Illusion and Reality of Britain as a Great Nation . By Correlli BarnettLate Modern : 8 Mai 1945: La Victoire en Europe . Edited by Maurice VaisseLate Modern : The Americanisation of West German Industry 1945–1973 . By Volker R. BerghahnLate Modern : Hugh Dalton . By Ben PimlottLate Modern : Europe since 1945: An Introduction . By Peter LaneLate Modern : A Village without Solidarity: Polish Peasants in Years of Crisis . By C.M. HannLate Modern : Eastern Europe 1968–1984 . By Olga NarkiewyczLate Modern : The Privileged Partnership: Franco–German Relations in the European Community 1969–1984 . By Haig Simonian