Publication year - 1969
Publication title -
the modern law review
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.37
H-Index - 22
eISSN - 1468-2230
pISSN - 0026-7961
DOI - 10.1111/j.1468-2230.1969.tb01246.x
Subject(s) - physics , stereochemistry , chemistry
E uthanasia and the R ight to D eath : T he C ase for V oluntary E uthanasia . Edited by A. B. D owning with a foreword by the Earl of Listowel. M edical P rogress and the L aw . Editor: C lark C. H avighurst . C rime and the L egal P rocess . Edited by W illiam J. C hambliss . S ociology and the S tereotype of the C riminal . By D ennis C hapman . A C lassification S cheme for L aw B ooks . By E lizabeth M. M oys, b. a ., f. l. a . P arker ' s M odern W ills P recedents . By A nthony P arker and E ric T aylor, ll. m . E mployees ' M isconduct as a C ause for D iscipline and D ismissal in I ndia and the C ommonwealth . By A lfred A vins . E vasion and A voidance of I ncome T ax . A C omparative S tudy of E nglish L aw and I sraeli L aw . By A. L apidoth . M ajor L egal S ystems in the W orld T oday . By R ené D avid and J ohn E. C. B rierley . F oreign I nvestments and I nternational L aw . By G eorg S chwarzenberger . I nternational L aw as A pplied by I nternational C ourts and T ribunals . By G eorg S chwarzenberger . Volume II: T he L aw of A rmed C onflict . P ropaganda and W orld P ublic O rder . T he L egal R egulation of the I deological I nstrument of C oercion . By B. S. M urty . C ivil P rocedure in F rance . By P eter H erzog with the collaboration of M artha W eser . Columbia University School of Law, Project on International Procedure (H. S mit , Director and Editor). B uilding and C ivil E ngineering S tandard F orms . By I. N. D uncan W allace . M ulla on the I ndian C ontract A ct (S tudents ' E dition ). Eighth edition by K. S. S havaksha . P ollock and M ulla on the S ale of G oods A ct and the P artnership A ct . Third edition by D. N. P ritt . P olish F amily L aw . By D ominik L asok ; with a chapter on Adoption, by L udwik F rendl . Law in Eastern Europe, No. 16. B asic L aws on the S tructure of the S oviet S tate . Edited and translated by H arold J. B erman and J ohn B. Q uigley , J r . T he F und A greement : L iving L aw and E merging P ractice . By H ans A ufricht . International Finance Section, Department of Economics. T he F atal C hance . By G uy B ailey . T he J ournal of R ichard H enry D ana , J r . Edited by R. F. L ucid . Three volumes. T he J udicial P rocess . By H enry J. A braham . Second Edition. M r . J ustice J ackson : F our L ectures in his H onor . Association of the Bar of the City of New York and the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation. C urrent L egal P roblems 1969. Edited by G eorge W. K eeton and G eorg S chwarzenberger . P ractical L egal A id . By E dward M oeran . G uide to the E state D uty S tatutes . Edited by G. S. A. W heatcroft .