Publication year - 1957
Publication title -
the modern law review
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.37
H-Index - 22
eISSN - 1468-2230
pISSN - 0026-7961
DOI - 10.1111/j.1468-2230.1957.tb00428.x
Subject(s) - humanities , philosophy
Book reviewed in this article: T he F ederal L oyalty ‐S ecurity P rogram . Report of the Special Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. [New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. 1956. xxvi and 301 pp. $5.00.] M atrimonial P roperty L aw . Edited by Professor W. F riedmann , University of Toronto School of Law. Comparative Law Series, Volume 2. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. 472 pp. 63s. net.] C omparative S tudies in C ommunity P roperty L aw . Edited by J an P. C harmatz and H arriet S. D aggett . [Louisiana State University Press. 1955. ix and 190 pp. $6.00 net.] D as S taatsnotrecht . Max Planck Institut. [Carl Heymanns Verlag. 1955. viii and 268 pp. DM 29.] T he L aw of E mergency . By C. S. S ubramania I yer, b.a ., b.l . [The Sundaram Iyer‐Krishnaswami Iyer Endowment Lectures, 1956. The Madras University Journal. pp. 184–304.] F undamental R ights in I ndia . By A lan G ledhill, m.a ., i.c.s . (Retd.), Professor of Oriental Laws at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. xvi and 134 pp. 25s. net.] S oviet M ilitary L aw and A dministration . By H arold J. B erman and M iroslav K erner . [Harvard University Press; London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. 1955. xiv and 208 pp. 32s. net.] T he P refects and P rovincial F rance . By B rian C hapman, m.a ., d.phil . [London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. 1955. 242 and (index) 4 pp. 18s. net.] B ritish G overnment I nspection as a D ynamic P rocess . By J ohn S. H arris . [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. ix and 191 pp. 25s. net.] I nternational O rganisation . By J. P. C hamberlain . [New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. vi and 173 pp. 14s. net.] G rundlehre des V ölkerrechts . By E rnst S auer . 3rd ed., 1955. [Cologne and Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag. xvi and 504 pp. DM. 22.] M iscellany ‐ at ‐L aw . A Diversion for Lawyers and Others. By R. E. M egarry . [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1956. 25s. net.] “F ull A id ” I nsurance for, the T raffic V ictim . By A lbert E hrenzweig . [University of California Press. 1954. 72 pp. $2.] “F ull A id ” I nsurance for the T raffic V ictim — “A V oluntary C ompensation P lan .” [Reprinted from the California Law Review, March, 1955. 48 pp.] O dgers ' P rinciples of P leading and P ractice in C ivil A ctions in the H igh C ourt of J ustice . Fifteenth edition by B. A. H arwood . [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. xxxviii and 528 pp. 50s. net.] A n O utline of the L aw of R ating . By W illiam S crivens, m.a ., ll.b ., and K. F. G oodfellow, m.a ., ll.b . [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1955. xix and 147 and (index) 4 pp. 22s. 6d. net.] S écurité C ollective en E urope . Polish Academy of Sciences. [Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 1955. 493 pp .] I ndustrial L aw . By J. L. G ayler . [London: English Universities Press, Ltd. 1955. 362 pp. 30s. net.] L aw and P ractice of B uilding C ontracts , I ncluding A rchitects and S urveyors . By D onald K eating . [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 1955. xliv and 266 and 7 appendices and index. £2 10s. net.] S how B usiness and the L aw . By E. R. H ardy I vamy . [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1955. 25s. net.] H ire ‐P urchase L aw . Second Edition. By R. E lse ‐M itchell, ll.b . [Sydney: The Law Book Co. of Australasia Pty Ltd. 1955. xvi and 126 pp., Appendix of Forms, Index. £2 10s.] E mployer ' s L iability . Third Edition. By J ohn M unkman, ll.b ., of the Middle Temple, Barrister‐at‐Law. [London: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. 1955. lxiii and 454 and (index) 41 pp. 35s. net.] T he R ule A gainst P erpetuities . By J. H. C. M orris, d.c.l ., Barrister‐at‐Law, and W. B arton L each, ll.b ., of the Massachusetts Bar. [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1956. xlvii and 327 pp. and index. 15s. net.] P ublic L aw —T he C onstitutional and A dministrative L aw of the C ommonwealth . Edited by J. A. G. G riffith . [London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. Spring‐Summer 1956. 192 pp. Annual subscription £2 2s., single parts 12s. 6d.] B ritish T ax R eview . Edited by G. S. A. W heatcroft . [London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. 112 pp. Annual subscription 30s.: single parts 10s.] T he R egistration , M anagement, and W inding ‐U p of C ompanies in S outh A frica . By D avid S hrand, a.s.a.a ., c.a . ( s.a .) and A. A. F. K uton, b.a ., ll.b ., Assistant Registrar of Companies. [Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. 1956. ix and 303 pp. £3 6s.] A M anual of A merican C opyright P ractice for W riters , P ublishers and A gents . Second Edition by M argaret N icholson . [New York: Oxford University Press; London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. 1956. x and 273 pp. 45s.]