Publication year - 1976
Publication title -
the economic history review
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.014
H-Index - 49
eISSN - 1468-0289
pISSN - 0013-0117
DOI - 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1976.tb01113.x
Subject(s) - parliament , estate , history , residence , middle ages , humanities , theology , archaeology , ancient history , art , demography , law , political science , sociology , politics , philosophy
Book review in this Article G. R. E lvey (Ed.). Luffield Priory Charters. Part II. S. F. H ockey (Ed.). The Beaulieu Cartulary. Southampton Records Series, Vol. XVII. S. F. H ockey (Ed.). The Account‐Book of Beaulieu Abbey. Camden Society, Fourth Series, Vol. XVI. C olin P latt , R ichard C oleman ‐S mith and others. Excavations in Medieval Southampton, 1954–69. C olin P latt . The English Medieval Town. E ileen P ower . Medieval Women. Ed. by M. M. Postan. G. L. H arriss . King, Parliament and Public Finance in Medieval England to rjeg. T. F. REDDAWAY and L orna E. M. W alker . The Early History of the Goldsmiths’Company, 1327–1509, including the Book of Ordinances, 1478–83. R obin E. G lasscock (Ed.). The Lay Subsidy of 1334. A lison H anham (Ed.). The Cely Letters, 1472–88. R osemary O'D ay and F elicity H eal (Eds.). Continuity and Change: Personnel and Administration of the Church in England, 1500–1642. E leanor S. G odfrey . The Development of English Glassmaking, 1560–1640. S. J. W atts . From Border to Middle Shire: Northumberland, 1586–1625. T. W. B eastall . A North Country Estate: The Lumleys and Saundersons as Landowners, 1600–1900. M. C. R eed . Investment in Railways in Britain, 1820–44. A Study in the Development of the Capital Market. J. T. W ard . The Age of Change, 1770–1870. Documents in Social History. R. G. K irby and A. E. M usson . W ray V amplew . Salvesen of Leith. H enry W eisser . British Working‐Class Movements and Europe, 1815–48. S ir F rancis H ill . Victorian Lincoln. D avid R ubinstein . Victorian Homes. M ichael J. C ullen . The Statistical Movement in Early Victorian Britain: The Foundations of Empirical Social Research. R. A. C hurch . The Great Victorian Boom, 1850–73 P. L. C ottrell . British Overseas Investment in the Nineteenth Century. R. J. I rving . The North Eastern Railway Company, 1870–1914: An Economic History. E dith H. W hetham . Beef, Cattle and Sheep, igio‐40. D. E. M oggridge . Keynes. A ndrew S. S kinner and T homas W ilson (Eds.). Essays on Adam Smith. R. I. B urns . Mediaeval Colonialism: Postcrusade Exploitation of Islamic Valencia. N icolaas S ánchez ‐A lbornoz . Jalones en la modernización de España. R obert M androu . Introduction to Modern France: An Essay in Historical Psychology. Translated by R. E. Hallmark. R oger P rice . The Economic Modernisation of France, 1730–1880. A rnold J. B auer . Chilean Rural Society from the Spanish Conquest to 1930. W illiam W eber . Music and the Middle Classes: The Social Structure of Concert Life in London, Paris and Vienna between 1830 and 1848. R. W. O liver . International Economic Cooperation and the World Bank. P eter J. C oleman . Debtors and Creditors in America: Insolvency, Imprisonment for Debt, and Bankruptcy, 1607–1900. E dwin J. P erkins . Financing Anglo‐American Trade: The House of Brown, 1800–80. A lbert W. N iemi , Jr. State and Regional Patterns in American Manufacturing, 1860–1900. E dward P. C rapol . America for Americans. Economic Nationalism and Anglophobia in the Late Nineteenth Century. P aul T. R ingenbach . Tramps and Reformers, 1873–1916: The Discovery of Unemployment in New York. S tephan T hernstrom . The Other Bostonians: Poverty and Progress in the American Metropolis, 1880–1970. H elen M. B urns . The American Banking Community and the Mew Deal Banking Reforms, 1933–35. D onald H olley . Uncle Sam's Farmers: The New Deal Communities in the Lower Mississippi Valley. A cta H istoriae N eerlandicae . S tudies on the H istory of the N etherlands , Vol. VIII. H. V an der W ee and K. T avernier . La Banque nationale de Belgique et Vhistoire morUtaire entre les deux guerres mondiales. J. V an A cker . Anvers d'escale Romaine a port mondial. Economisch‐ en Soriaal‐Historisck Jaarboek, published by the Vereniging Het Neder‐landsch Economisch‐Historisch Archief, The Hague, vol. 36. E ckart S chremmer . Die Wirtschaft Bayems vom hohen Mittelalter bis zum Beginn der Industrialisierung. Bergbau, Gewerbe, Handel. E kkehard von K norring . Die Berechnung makroökonomischer Konsumfunktionen fur Deutschland, 1851–1913. Schriften zur angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung. Walther G. Hoffmann (Ed.), Band 29. E rich W ill (Comp.). Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial‐ und Wirtschqflsgeschichte. Register zu den Bänden 21–50 (1928–1963). E kkehard E istert . Die Beeinflussung des Wirtschqftswachstums in Deutschland von 1883 bis 1913 durch das Bankensystem. A lbert J eck . Wachstumund Verteilung des Volkseinkommens. Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Entwicklung der Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland, 1870–1913.