Publication year - 1965
Publication title -
the economic history review
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.014
H-Index - 49
eISSN - 1468-0289
pISSN - 0013-0117
DOI - 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1965.tb01762.x
Subject(s) - humanities , irish , borough , reign , kingdom , agrarian society , population , art , history , political science , demography , sociology , archaeology , law , philosophy , paleontology , linguistics , biology , politics , agriculture
Book Reviewed in this article: C. R. E lrington (Ed.). A History of the County of Gloucester. Vol. VI. Revised Medieval Latin Word‐List from British and Irish Sources. Prepared by R. E. Latham. F. R. H. D u B oulay (Ed.). Kent Records: Documents Illustrative of Medieval Kentish Society. C harles R. Y oung . The English Borough and Royal Administration, 1130–1307. P. D. A. H arvey . A Medieval Oxfordshire Village, Cuxham, 1240 to 1400. C. W. C halklin . Seventeenth‐Century Kent. A Social and Economic History. G. A. C hinnery (Ed.). Records of the Borough of Leicester. Vol. V. Hall Books and Papers, 1689–1835. I. C. L undberg . Turgot's Unknown Translator. S. G. C heckland . The Rise of Industrial Society in England, 1815–1885 J oseáh H amburger . James Mill and the Art of Revolution. P. E. H art . Studies in Profit, Business Saving and Investment in the United Kingdom, 1920–62. Vol. I. A sa B riggs . The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom. Vol. II. The Golden Age of Wireless. E ster B oserup . The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure. J. A. van H outte . Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis van de Lage Landen. Etudes et chronique de demographie historique, 1964. M arcel P agaut . Louis VII et son royaume. G uy F ourquin . Le domaine royal en Gâtinais ?après la prisée de 1332. Mélanges ?histoire économique et sociale en hommage au professeur Antony Babel. J ohn D ay . Les douanes de Gênes, 1376–77. J ean ‐P aul C harmeil . Les Trésoriers de France àľépoque de la Fronde –Contribution àľhistoire de ľadministration financière sous ľAncien Régime. B ertrand G ille . Les Ingénieurs de la Renaissance. B ertrand G ille . Les Sources statistiques de ľHistoire de France. Des enquêtes du XVIIe siècle à 1870. J. F. F aure ‐S oulet . Economie politique et progrès au ‘Stècle des Lumières’ Preface by Paul Harsin, Introduction by André Piatier. L ouis D ermigny . Les Mémoires de Charles de Constant sur le commerce de la Chine. P ierre L eon . Marchands et spéculateurs dauphinois dans le monde antillais au XVIIIe siècle, les Dolle et les Raby. J. F. B osher . The Single Duty Project. A Study of the Movement for a French Customs Union in the Eighteenth Century. A. S oboul . The Parisian Sans‐Culottes and the French Revolution, 1793–4. P hilippe V igier . La Seconde République dans la Région alpine. Etude politique et sociale. Vol. 1, Les Notables. Vol. 2, Les Paysans. M ack W alker . Germany and the Emigration, 1816–1885. What the movement was, what it seemed to mean and what was done about it. G uenther R oth . The Social Democrats in Imperial Germany. A Study in Working‐Class Isolation and National Integration. R obert B. A rmeson . Total Warfare and Compulsory Labour, a Study of the Military‐Industrial Complex in Germany during World War I. A lan S. M ilward . The German Economy at war. K arl W. R oskamp . Capital Formation in West Germany. F riedrich L ütge . Studien zur Sozial‐ und Wirtschqftsgeschichte. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. H erbert J ankuhn . Haithabu. Ein Handelsplatz der Wickingerzeit. P. A ugustinus T hiele , O.S.B. Echternach und Himmerod. Beispiele benediktinischer und zisterziensischer Wirtschqftsführung im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. H ans P ohl . Die Beziehungen Hamburgs zu Spanien und dem Spanischen Amerika in der Zeit von 1740 bis 1806. G ustav O truba . Die Wirtschqftspolitik Maria Theresias. E gkart S chremmer . Die Bauernbefreiung in Hohenlohe. P aul G ehring . Friedrich List, Jugend‐ und Reifejahre, 1789–1825. Mit einem Geleit‐wort von Oskar Kalbfell. F ritz R edlich . Der Unternehmer. Wirtschafts‐ und Sozialgeschichtliche Studien. Mit einem Nachwort von Edgar Salin.