Publication year - 1990
Publication title -
the political quarterly
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.373
H-Index - 37
eISSN - 1467-923X
pISSN - 0032-3179
DOI - 10.1111/j.1467-923x.1990.tb00802.x
Subject(s) - theology , political science , gerontology , philosophy , stereochemistry , chemistry , medicine
Book reviews in this article: T he C oercive S tate: the D ecline of D emocracy in B ritain . By P addy H illyard and J anie P ercy ‐S mith . O n C aring F or T he N ational H ealth . By Sir K enneth S towe . H ealth , H appiness and S ecurity . By F rank H onigsbaum . A fter 1992; the U nited S tates of E urope . By E rnest W istrich . I s S ocialism D oomed ? T he M eaning of M itterand . By D aniel S inger . T he S chool E ffect —A S tudy of Multi‐R acial C omprehensives . By D avid S mith & S ally T omlinson . C utback M anagement in P ublic B ureaucracies . By A ndrew D unsire & C hristopher H ood . T he M yth of the H idden E conomy . By P hilip H arding & R ichard J enkins . T he I dea of a D emocratic C ommunity . By C hristopher J. B erry

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