Publication year - 1970
Publication title -
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.766
H-Index - 58
eISSN - 1467-6435
pISSN - 0023-5962
DOI - 10.1111/j.1467-6435.1970.tb02553.x
Subject(s) - citation , economic history , political science , sociology , library science , economics , law , computer science
B eckmann , M artin : Location Theory . New York 1968. Random House. XII, 132 pp. $5.95 B hagwati , J. (Ed.): International Trade—Selected Readings . (Penguin Modern Economics.) Harmondsworth 1969. Penguin Books Ltd. 414 pp. 9 s. C ooper , R. N. (Ed.): International Finance—Selected Readings . (Penguin Modern Economics.) Harmondsworth 1969. Penguin Books Ltd. 384 pp. 9 s. B illerbeck , K laus : Kosten‐Ertrags‐Analyse, ein Instrument zur Rationalisierung der administrierten Allokation bei Bildungs‐ und Gesundheits‐investitionen . Berlin 1968. Verlag Bruno Hessling. 286 S. B uchanan , J ames M.: The Demand and Supply of Public Goods . Chicago 1968. Rand McNally & Co. IX, 214 pp. B utterwick , M., and R olfe , E. N.: Food, Farming, and the Common Market . London 1968. Oxford University Press. XIV, 259 pp. 55 s. C hilds , G erald L.: Unfilled Orders and Inventories . A Structural Analysis. Amsterdam 1967. North‐Holland Publishing Company. 142 pp. Dfl. 30.‐ D rewe , P aul : Ein Beitrag der Sozialforschung zur Regional‐ und Stadt‐planung . Meisenheim am Glan 1968. Anton Hain. 250 S. DM 33.50 D uesenberry , J. S., F romm , G., K lein , L., and K uh , E. (Eds.): The Brookings Model: Some Further Results . Amsterdam and Chicago 1969. North‐Holland Publishing Company, Rand McNally & Co. XXI, 519 pp. Dfl. 65.‐ D Ürr , E rnst : Probleme der Konjunkturpolitik . Freiburg 1968. Verlag Rombach. 309 S. DM 19.‐ E asterlin , R ichard A.: Population, Labor Force, and Long Swings in Economic Growth: The American Experience . (National Bureau of Economic Research, General Series 86.) New York 1968. Columbia University Press. XX, 298 pp. 90 s. E ckel , D ieter : Das Kartell . Ein Modell der Verhaltenskoordination. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, Heft 119.) Berlin 1968. Duncker & Humblot. 334 S. DM 59.80 E inzig , P aul : Leads and Lags . The Main Cause of Devaluation. London, New York 1968. McMillan. XI, 169 pp. 36 s. F armer , R. N., L ong , J. D., and S tolnitz , G. J. (Eds.): World Population ‐ The View Ahead . (International Development Research Center Series, Nr. 1.) University of Indiana 1968. VIII, 310 pp. F els , R endigs , and H inshaw , C. E lton : Forecasting and Recognizing Business Cycle Turning Points . New York 1968. National Bureau of Economic Research, Columbia University Press. XVII, 131 pp. 40 s. G ollnick , H einz : Einführung in die Ökonometrie . Stuttgart 1968. Verlag Eugen Ulmer. 319 S. DM 40.‐ G rossmann , G regory (Ed.): Money and Plan . Financial Aspects of East European Economic Reforms. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1968. University of California Press. 188 pp. $6.‐ H allett , G.: The Economics of Agricultural Policy . Oxford 1968. Basil Blackwell. IX, 292 pp. 50 s. H art , P. E. (Ed.): Studies in Profit, Business Saving and Investment in the United Kingdom 1920‐62 . Vol. II. London 1968. George Allen and Unwin. 283 pp. 60 s. Helliwell, John F.: Public Policies and Private Investment. Oxford 1968. Clarendon Press. XIII, 238 pp. 50 s. H ershlag , Z. Y.: Turkey: The Challenge of Growth . Leiden 1968. E. J. Brill. XVII, 406 pp. H orwich , G eorge (Ed.): Monetary Process and Policy: A Symposium . Homewood, Illinois 1967. Richard D. Irwin. 388 pp. K aufer , E rich : Die Bestimmung von Marktmacht . Dargestellt am Problem des relevanten Marktes in der amerikanischen Antitrustpolitik. (Berner Beitrage zur Nationalökonomie, Band 5.) Bern und Stuttgart 1967. Verlag Paul Haupt. 176 S. L arenz , K arl F riedrich : Untersuchungen zur Einkommenspolitik . (Kieler Studien, Nr. 91.) Tubingen 1968. J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Sie‐beck). 117 S. DM25.‐ L ydall , H arold : The Structure of Earnings . Oxford 1968. Oxford University Press. XIII, 394 pp. 63 s. M aillet , P ierre , H ipp , G erhard , K rijnse ‐L ocker , H ugo , und S unnen , R obert : L économie de la Communauté Européenne . Paris 1968. Editions Sirey. 642 p. 64 F M ichaely , M ichael : Balance‐of‐Payments Adjustment Policies: Japan, Germany, and the Netherlands . New York 1968. National Bureau of Economic Research, Columbia University Press. 108 pp. $3.‐ M iles , C aroline : Lancashire Textiles: A Case Study of Industrial Change . (The National Institute of Economic Research.) Cambridge 1968. Cambridge University Press. 121 pp. $ 3.75 M urray , R oger F.: Economic Aspects of Pensions: A Summary Report . (NBER, General Series No. 85.) New York and London 1968. Columbia University Press. XV, 132 pp. 40 s. N app ‐Z inn , A nton F elix : Verkehrswissenschaft . Heidelberg 1968. Quelle und Meyer. 226 S. P erkins , J. O. N.: Australia in the World Economy . Melbourne 1968. Sun Books. 197 pp. $ 2.65 R obinson , D erek : Wage Drift, Fringe Benefits, and Manpower Distribution . (OECD Labour Mobility Series, No. 7.) Paris 1968. OECD. 190 pp. 30 s. R usset , B ruce M. (Ed.): Economic Theories of International Politics . Chicago 1968. Markham Publishing Company. 542 pp. S alin , E dgar : Politische Ökonomie . Geschichte der wirtschaftspolitischen Ideen von Platon bis zur Gegenwart. (5. erweiterte Auflage der ↞Geschichte der Volkswirtschaftslehre↠.) Tübingen und Zürich 1967. J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Polygraphischer Verlag. 205 S. DM 16.‐ S chÄfers , Bernhard : Bodenbesitz und Bodennutzung in der Grosstadt. Eine empirisch‐soziologische Untersuchung am Beispiel Münster . Bielefeld 1968. Bertelsmann Universitätsverlag. 138 S. S chlieper , U lrich : Pareto‐Optima, externe Effekte und die Theorie des Zweitbesten . Köln 1969. Carl Heymanns Verlag. 97 S. DM 13.60 S pencer , D aniel L., and W oroniak , A lexander (Eds.): The Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries . (Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Development.) New York, Washington, London 1967. Frederick A. Praeger. XI, 209 pp. $ 12.50 T aylor , W. L.: Francis Hutcheson and David Hume as Predecessors of Adam Smith . Durham, N. C. 1965. Duke University Press. 180 pp. $6.‐ W olfelsperger , A lain : Les biens collectifs . Fondements théoriques de l'économie publique. (Collection SUP, ↞L'économiste↠, No 7.) Paris 1969. Presses universitaires de France. 206 p. 12 F