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Premium Candida peritonitis in a patient with necrotising cholecystitis and pancreatitis
Scheele Jan,
Kujath Peter
Publication year2006
Publication title
Resource typeJournals
PublisherBlackwell Publishing Ltd
Summary An 80‐year‐old patient in previously excellent state of health presented with septic syndrome for gangrenous cholecystitis and concomitant pancreatitis. Diagnostic paracentesis revealed microbiological evidence of Candida albicans in the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed and examination of histological specimens confirmed peritonitis by fungal perforation of the gall bladder. In a complicated postoperative course the patient was finally cured choosing voriconazole (Vfend) for antimycotic therapy.
Subject(s)abdominal cavity , biology , candida albicans , cholecystectomy , cholecystitis , concomitant , empyema , gallbladder , genetics , materials science , medicine , metallurgy , pancreatitis , perforation , peritonitis , punching , surgery
SCImago Journal Rank1.13

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