Preliminary studies of mandibular movement at initial tooth contact
Author(s) -
Publication year - 1989
Publication title -
journal of oral rehabilitation
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.991
H-Index - 93
eISSN - 1365-2842
pISSN - 0305-182X
DOI - 10.1111/j.1365-2842.1989.tb01356.x
Subject(s) - movement (music) , orthodontics , dentistry , medicine , acoustics , physics
Mandibular movement that occurred after initial tooth contact in a rhythmical tooth‐tapping task was investigated using a closed‐circuit television movement detector. Tooth contact was monitored by the placement of a small microphone on the subjects' foreheads. Movement was traced on ultraviolet‐sensitive chart and a statistical method of analysis was developed to determine movement patterns at the commencement and cessation of each cycle. Results showed that a regular pattern of movement could be observed as a cycle of movement commenced, but that this was not so apparent on cessation.