Publication year - 1934
Publication title -
british journal of inebriety
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 2.424
H-Index - 193
eISSN - 1360-0443
pISSN - 0366-0796
DOI - 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1934.tb05014.x
Subject(s) - stereochemistry , physics , philosophy , theology , chemistry
T he W ill to F uller L ife . By J. H. Badley E xploring the U nconscious : F urther E xercises in A pplied A nalytical P sychology . By Georg Groddeck, M.D. I ndividual P sychology , P sychiatry , and H olistic M edicine . By J. C. Young, M.C., M.D., M.S. P sychology and the C ure of S ouls . By W. Horace Dowling P sychology and S ocial P rogress . By Raymond B. Cattell, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D. P aralysis in C hildren . By R. G. Gordon, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P.E. T he L ast of the T aboos : M ental D isorders in M odern L ife . By Isabel Emslie Hutton, M.D., Hon. H ow the M ind W orks . By Cyril Burt, M.A., D.Sc. H andbook of T herapeutics . By David Campbell, M.C., M.A., B.Sc., M.D., F.R.F.P.S. W omen in S ubjection : A S tudy of the L ives of E nglish ‐ women before 1832. By I. B. O'Malley. P rostitution : A S urvey and a C hallenge . By Gladys Mary Hall, M.A.; with an Introduction by Charles E. Raven, D.D. T he S tory of the W omen's I nstitute M ovement in E ngland and W ales and S cotland . By J. W. Robertson Scott. N earing H arbour : T he L og of S ir H enry S. L unn . M orality and R eality : A n E ssay on the L aw of L ife . By E. Graham Howe, M.B., B.S., D.P.M. T he D iet B ook for D octor , P atient , and H ousewife , with S pecimen M enus for O ne W eek and R ecipes . By Marguerite Requa Rea (Mrs. Alec L. Rea). “T he J ewish C hronicle ” C ookery B ook . Edited by Mrs. L. J. Greenberg. E lizabeth C raig's S tandard R ecipes . T he V icomte in the K itchen . By Vicomte de Manduit T he M aking of I ce ‐C ream . By Leonard R. M. Feltham, B.Sc. T he H appy H ousewife : A B ook for the H ouse that is or is to be . By Helen Simpson. M en against W omen : A S tudy of S exual R elations . By Theodore Besterman. N inety —N ot O ut . A Record of Ninety Years' Child Welfare Work of the Shaftesbury Society and R.S.U. By David Williamson. T he R omance of S chool : A H eadmaster's R etrospect . By C. J. Prescott, M.A., D.D., Late Headmaster “T he T imes ”: A n A nthology . Chosen and edited, with Introduction and Notes, by M. Alderton Pink, M.A. C hrist and the T hird W ise M an . By John Oxenham. W eek ‐E nds in E ngland . By S. P. B. Mais. T he M eaning of the G roups . Edited by the Rev. F. A. M. Spencer, D.D. S tone's J ustices M anual . F orthcoming M arriages . By Mary Lutyens. T he C ase of D octor T racey . By R. A. Here. D amaged L ives : T he N ovel of the F ilm . Adapted by C. J. Eustace. T he S enior C ommoner . By Julian Hall. “Conscience: Its Nature and Authority,” by Archibald Chisholm, D.Litt. “The Pivots of Destiny and Other Meditations,” by the Rev. J. Harris Smith “Infirmary,” by John H. Fuller‐Davies “Oberammergau: Its Story and its Passion Play,” by Elisabethe H. C. Corathiel “A Guide—A Comforter,” arranged by M. A. Wilson “More Love and Sex,” by X‐Ray, published by the C. W. Daniel Company “The Basis of Christian Marriage,” arranged by C. E. Seccombe “The Meaning of Problem Conduct in Children,” by W. J. McBride “The Outstretched Finger: Notes on Child Psychology for Parents and Nurses,” by Winifred Rushforth, M.B., Ch.B. (Edinburgh “Eighty Miles Round London,” by Moyra Fox‐Davies “1,000 Wonderful Things about the Bible,” by Henry Pickering “The House of the Apricots,” by Hugh Imber “Secrets of Happiness: The Stepping‐Stones to a Carefree, Contented Life,” by Wilfrid Northfield “Radiation Cookery” “Birth Control considered solely from a Biblical Aspect,” by A. Ernest Mayland, B.S., M.B., F.R.S.E. “Jordan's Income Tax Guide, 1934–1935,” compiled by Charles W. Chivers “Education for Citizenship,” by Mrs. Eva M. Hubback “An Introduction to the History of Adult Education,” by R. C. Rowse, M.A. “Daily Danger,” by Stuart Chesmore “Recipes for Food and Conduct,” written for the Chelsea Babies' Club by its Medical Officers—Harold Waller, N. Langdon Lloyd, John Gibbens, and C. Grosvenor Mills “Lightning Cookery,” by Countess Morphy “Why go to Church?” by a London Journalist “Love Triumphant,” by Joan Conquest “Prince Charlie in Song,” by Sir Harold Boulton, Bart., C.V.O., C.B.E., M.A. “Family Skeleton,” by Kathleen Coyle “Plain Tales from the Slums,” by R. A. Edwards “Garden City Principles and Policy,” “A New Challenge to Thought and Action!” by Courtenay C. Weeks, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. “Mathieson's Handbook for Investors for 1934,” published by Frederick C. Mathieson and Sons “The Centre: The Social Centre in Relation to Unemployment and National Health—A Study by Five Independent Observers” “The Leave Book: A Selection of Comfortable Hotels in Great Britain, with Notes on Sport,” is a guide published by Virtue and Co., Ltd. “Common Sense About Sex,” by Leonora Eyles “Marriage and Motherhood,” by Len Chaloner