Brittle and ductile deformation in extensional tectonic settings within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (evidence from Geotransect ṢEast Siberian Plate ‐ Siberian Craton –Central Asian Beltṣ)
Author(s) -
Kudriavtcev Ivan V.,
Petrov Oleg V.,
Kashubin Sergey N.,
Milshtein Evgeniia D.,
Androsov Evgeniy Al.
Publication year - 2019
Publication title -
acta geologica sinica ‐ english edition
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.444
H-Index - 61
eISSN - 1755-6724
pISSN - 1000-9515
DOI - 10.1111/1755-6724.13975
Subject(s) - geology , extensional definition , craton , tectonics , deformation (meteorology) , brittleness , seismology , central asia , geography , physical geography , oceanography , physics , thermodynamics
The geotransect “East Siberian Plate – Siberian Craton – Central Asian Belt” within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt crosses the Ergun massif, Mongol-Okhotsk (Khangay-Daur) fold belt and Sayan-Baikal fold belt (Fig. 1). The geological interpretation of geophysical (multichannel seismic reflections, deep seismic soundings, magnetotelluric and gravity) data is based on rheological models of the Earth’s crust. These models suggest the presence of three main rheological crustal layers, which differ in deformation mechanisms and styles. The brittle-ductile transition zone is the middle layer and plays an important role for recognition of deformation and deep geological structures. Brittle processes dominate in the brittle layer above this zone, crystalloplastic or ductile processes dominate below the transition zone in the ductile layer.