Research Library

Premium Do Temporary Workers Receive Risk Premiums? Assessing the Wage Effects of Fixed–term Contracts in West Germany by a Matching Estimator Compared with Parametric Approaches
Hagen Tobias
Publication year2002
Publication title
Resource typeJournals
PublisherBlackwell Publishers Ltd
The wage effects of fixed–term contracts (FTCs) are analysed with the German Socio–Economic Panel (GSOEP) for West Germany. Taking selection on observables into account results in an estimated wage effect of −6 percent up to −10 percent. Controlling additionally for selection on unobservables leads to wage effects of −23 percent, which may be explained by self–selection of workers. The results also highlight the importance of asymmetric information as an explanation for the incentive for employers as well as workers to enter FTCs.
Subject(s)archaeology , artificial intelligence , computer science , econometrics , economic history , economics , estimator , fixed effects model , german , history , incentive , labour economics , matching (statistics) , mathematics , microeconomics , panel data , physics , quantum mechanics , selection (genetic algorithm) , statistics , term (time) , wage , west germany
SCImago Journal Rank0.403

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