Open Access
Estimating galvanic‐distortion magnetic fields in magnetotellurics
Author(s) -
Smith J. Torquil
Publication year - 1997
Publication title -
geophysical journal international
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.302
H-Index - 168
eISSN - 1365-246X
pISSN - 0956-540X
DOI - 10.1111/j.1365-246x.1997.tb00988.x
Subject(s) - distortion (music) , magnetotellurics , magnetic field , isotropy , magnetic anomaly , earth's magnetic field , electric field , geophysics , anisotropy , physics , computational physics , geology , condensed matter physics , optics , electrical resistivity and conductivity , amplifier , optoelectronics , cmos , quantum mechanics
SUMMARY Telluric distortion occurs when electric charges accumulate along near‐surface inhomogeneities. At low frequencies, the electric currents associated with these charges can be neglected compared to currents induced deeper in the Earth. At higher frequencies, the magnetic fields associated with these currents may be significant. Some parameters describing the distortion magnetic fields can be estimated from measured magneto‐telluric impedance matrices. For regional magnetic fields aligned with regional strike directions, parameters associated with the distortion magnetic field component parallel to the regional magnetic field are undeterminable, whereas parameters associated with the distortion magnetic field component perpendicular to the regional magnetic field can be estimated. Optimal estimates are straightforward even for the realistic case of measurement errors that are correlated between elements of a measured impedance matrix. In a simple example of a 1‐D anisotropic model with anisotropy direction varying with depth, the modelling of distortion magnetic fields results in regional impedance estimates corresponding more closely to the responses of uncoupled isotropic models, allowing sensible interpretation of an additional one and a half decades of data.