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Fuzzy logic for landslide susceptibility level in kecamatan Ungaran Barat
Author(s) -
- Fianti,
Okti Dyah Rahayuningsih,
Nila Prasetya Aryani,
Ian Yulianti
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
journal of physics. conference series
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.21
H-Index - 85
eISSN - 1742-6596
pISSN - 1742-6588
DOI - 10.1088/1742-6596/1567/4/042095
Subject(s) - landslide , defuzzification , fuzzy logic , centroid , data mining , fuzzy number , mathematics , computer science , fuzzy set , geology , artificial intelligence , geotechnical engineering
Landslide is one of the disasters that often happened in Indonesia. A way to prevent the damage effects of landslide is maping potential landslide areas. The purposes of this study is leveling of landslide susceptibility in Ungaran Barat based on geographic-topography condition by using fuzzy logic developed in MATLAB. The geographic-topography conditions used as input variables are rainfall quantity, land slope, and soil type. This research was started by choosing geographic-topography data, studying their correlation to landslide susceptibility, and then developing fuzzy logic, finally building a program for getting the level of landslide susceptibility of each observed area. Fuzzy logic developing consisted of fuzzyfication, fuzzy rule preparation, inference engine preparation, and defuzzification. In this fuzzy logic, the fuzzy rules were constructed by IF-THEN relations, the fuzzy method was Mamdani with centroid defuzzification method. Result showed that there were two levels of landslide susceptibility, i.e. no risk and low risk.

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