DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy
Author(s) -
M.E. Fenstermacher,
Joseph Abbate,
Shota Abe,
T. Abrams,
Mark Adams,
B. Adamson,
N. Aiba,
Takashi Akiyama,
P. Aleynikov,
Elizabeth Allen,
S. L. Allen,
H. Anand,
James P. Anderson,
Y. Andrew,
T.K. Jr. Andrews,
D. Appelt,
Ryan Arbon,
N. Ashikawa,
Arash Ashourvan,
Molly Aslin,
Y. Asnis,
Max Austin,
David Ayala,
J.G. Bak,
I. Bandyopadhyay,
Santanu Banerjee,
K. Barada,
L. Bardóczi,
J.L. Barr,
E.M. Bass,
D. J. Battaglia,
Alexander Battey,
W. Baumgartner,
L. R. Baylor,
J. Beckers,
Matthew Beidler,
E. A. Belli,
J. W. Berkery,
Tess Bernard,
N. Bertelli,
M. Beurskens,
R. Bielajew,
S. A. Bilgili,
Bodhi Biswas,
Sophie Blondel,
J.A. Boedo,
I. N. Bogatu,
R. L. Boivin,
T. Bolzonella,
M.W. Bongard,
X. Bonnin,
P. T. Bonoli,
Matteo Bonotto,
A. Bortolon,
Sukomal. Bose,
Nicolas Bosviel,
Sim Bouwmans,
Mark D. Boyer,
W. Boyes,
L. P. Bradley,
R. Brambila,
D. P. Brennan,
Stefan Bringuier,
Lisa Brodsky,
M. W. Brookman,
J.N. Brooks,
D. L. Brower,
G. V. Brown,
W. Ted Brown,
M.G. Burke,
Kh Burrell,
K. Butler,
R. J. Buttery,
I. Bykov,
P.J. Byrne,
A. Cacheris,
Kyle Callahan,
J. D. Callen,
G.L. Campbell,
J. Candy,
J. Canik,
P. Cano-Megias,
N. M. Cao,
Loukas Carayannopoulos,
T. Carlstrom,
W. Carrig,
T. Carter,
W.P. Cary,
L. Casali,
M. Cengher,
Gil Paz,
Ryan Chaban,
V. S. Chan,
B. H. Chapman,
I. Char,
A. Chattopadhyay,
R. Chen,
J. Chen,
Xi Chen,
X. Chen,
J. Chen,
M. Chen,
J. Chen,
Z. Chen,
M. Choi,
W. Choi,
Geun-Sik Choi,
L. Chousal,
C. Chrobak,
C. Chrystal,
Yang Geun Chung,
R.M. Churchill,
M. Cianciosa,
Jerry D. Clark,
M. Clément,
S. Coda,
Andrew J. Cole,
Cami Collins,
William Conlin,
Alfred W. Cooper,
Jacob J. Cordell,
Bruno Coriton,
T. B. Cote,
J. Cothran,
A. J. Creely,
N. Crocker,
C. Crowe,
B.J.B. Crowley,
T. P. Crowley,
D. J. Cruz-Zabala,
David B. Cummings,
M. Curie,
Davide Curreli,
A. Dal Molin,
B. Dannels,
A. Dautt-Silva,
K. Davda,
G. De Tommasi,
P. de Vries,
Genevieve DeGrandchamp,
J.S. deGrassie,
D. R. Demers,
T. Happel,
S Depasquale,
Earl William DeShazer,
A. Diallo,
S. J. Diem,
Andris Dimits,
Rui Ding,
Siye Ding,
W. X. Ding,
Thi-Nga Do,
J.L. Doane,
Dong Guo,
David Donovan,
J. F. Drake,
W. Drews,
Jon Drobny,
Xiaodi Du,
Hua Du,
Vinicius Duarte,
Daniel Dudt,
Conner K. Dunn,
Jonah Duran,
Allison Dvorak,
F. Effenberg,
N. W. Eidietis,
David Elder,
D. Eldon,
R. Ellis,
Wael Elwasif,
D.A. Ennis,
Keith Erickson,
D. R. Ernst,
M. Fasciana,
D. V. Fedorov,
Eliot Feibush,
N. Ferraro,
J. Ferreira,
J. R. Ferron,
P. J. Fimognari,
D. F. Finkenthal,
Richard Fitzpatrick,
P. Fox,
W. Fox,
L. Frassinetti,
H. Frerichs,
Hayden Frye,
Yuwei Fu,
K. Gage,
J. Galdon Quiroga,
A. Gallo,
Q. D. Gao,
Alvin Garcia,
M. García Muñoz,
D. Garnier,
A. M. Garofalo,
Anthony Gattuso,
Daniel Geng,
K. Gentle,
Debojyoti Ghosh,
L. Giacomelli,
Sam Gibson,
Erik Gilson,
C. Giroud,
F. Glass,
A. Glasser,
D. Glibert,
P. Gohil,
R. G. Gomez,
S. Gomez,
Xianzu Gong,
Eduardo Gonzales,
Aaron Goodman,
Yu. A. Gorelov,
Vincent Graber,
R.S. Granetz,
Travis Gray,
D. Green,
C.M. Greenfield,
M. Greenwald,
B. A. Grierson,
R. J. Groebner,
W. Grosnickle,
M. Groth,
H.J. Grunloh,
Shuai Gu,
W. Guo,
H.Y. Guo,
Puja Gupta,
J. Guterl,
W. Guttenfelder,
T.J. Guzman,
S. Haar,
R. Hager,
S. H. Hahn,
Michael Halfmoon,
T. Hall,
K. Hallatschek,
Federico David Halpern,
G. W. Hammett,
Hyunsun Han,
E.C. Hansen,
Chris Hansen,
M. Hansink,
J.M. Hanson,
Michael O. Hanson,
G. Z. Hao,
Anne Harris,
R. W. Harvey,
S. R. Haskey,
Ehab Hassan,
A. Hassanein,
D. R. Hatch,
R. J. Hawryluk,
Wataru Hayashi,
W. W. Heidbrink,
J. L. Herfindal,
J. Hicok,
D. N. Hill,
E.T. Hinson,
C. T. Holcomb,
L. D. Holland,
C. Holland,
E. M. Hollmann,
J. Hollocombe,
A. Holm,
Ian Holmes,
K.L. Holtrop,
M. Honda,
Hong Rao,
Ryan Hood,
A. Horton,
L. Horváth,
M. Hosokawa,
Saeid Houshmandyar,
N. T. Howard,
Eric Howell,
D. Hoyt,
Weidi Hu,
Yemin Hu,
Qiming Hu,
Juan Huang,
Yuan Huang,
J.W. Hughes,
T.B. Human,
D. A. Humphreys,
P. Huynh,
A. W. Hyatt,
Carlos Escobar Ibáñez,
Luis Ibarra,
R. Icasas,
K. Ida,
V. Igochine,
Y. In,
Shizuo Inoue,
A. Isayama,
Olivier Izacard,
V.A. Izzo,
Adrian Jackson,
Geraldine Jacobsen,
A.E. Jaervinen,
Azarakhsh Jalalvand,
J. Janhunen,
S.C. Jardin,
Henrik Järleblad,
Y.M. Jeon,
Haibiao Ji,
Jian Xiang,
E. Joffrin,
A. Johansen,
Curtis A. Johnson,
T. Johnson,
Christopher S. Jones,
I. Joseph,
D. Jubas,
Barbara Junge,
W. Kalb,
R. Kalling,
Chandrika Kamath,
Jisung Kang,
David H. Kaplan,
Alan A. Kaptanoglu,
Stephen Kasdorf,
Julian KatesHarbeck,
P. V. Kazantzidis,
A.G. Kellman,
D.H. Kellman,
C. Kessel,
Kenneth Khumthong,
E. Kim,
H. Kim,
J. Kim,
S. Kim,
J. Kim,
H. Kim,
K. Kim,
C. Kim,
W. D. Kimura,
M King,
J. D. King,
J. E. Kinsey,
A. Kirk,
Bora Kiyan,
Andreas Kleiner,
Veronika Klevarová,
Rachel Knapp,
M. Knölker,
W. H. Ko,
Tatsuya Kobayashi,
E. E. Koch,
M. Kochan,
Bruce E. Koel,
M. E. Koepke,
A. Köhn,
Robert Kolasinski,
Egemen Kolemen,
Evdokiya Kostadinova,
Mark Kostuk,
G. J. Kramer,
D. M. Kriete,
L. Kripner,
S. Kubota,
James Kulchar,
Key Ho Kwon,
R. La Haye,
F. M. Laggner,
Heng Lan,
R. Lantsov,
L. L. Lao,
A. L. Esquisabel,
C.J. Lasnier,
C. Lau,
B. Leard,
J. Lee,
R. Lee,
M. Lee,
M. Lee,
Y. Lee,
C. Lee,
J. Lee,
S. Lee,
M. Lehnen,
A. W. Leonard,
Evan Leppink,
M. LeSher,
Jeff Lestz,
J.A. Leuer,
N. Leuthold,
X. Li,
K. Li,
E. Li,
G. Li,
L. Li,
Z. Li,
J. Li,
Yan Li,
Z. Lin,
Daniel Lin,
X. Liu,
J. Liu,
Y. Liu,
T. Liu,
Y. Liu,
C. Liu,
Z. Liu,
C. Liu,
D. Liu,
Association Liu,
D. Liu,
A. Loarte-Prieto,
L.L. LoDestro,
N. C. Logan,
J. Lohr,
B. Lombardo,
J. Lore,
Q. Luan,
T.C. Luce,
T. Luda,
Neville C. Luhmann,
R. Lunsford,
Z.P. Luo,
A. Lvovskiy,
B. C. Lyons,
Xinxing Ma,
M. Madruga,
B. Madsen,
C. Maggi,
Kush Maheshwari,
A. Mail,
J. Mailloux,
R. Maingi,
M. Major,
M. A. Makowski,
R. Manchanda,
C. Marini,
A. Marii,
Assimo Maris,
T. Markovič,
L. Marrelli,
E. H. Martin,
Jeremy Mateja,
G. Matsunaga,
R. Maurizio,
P.S. Mauzey,
D. Mauzey,
G. McArdle,
Joseph McClenaghan,
K.J. McCollam,
C. J. McDevitt,
Kiera McKay,
G. R. McKee,
A.G. McLean,
Vedant Mehta,
Eric Meier,
J.E. Menard,
O. Meneghini,
Gabriele Merlo,
Sarah Messer,
William H. Meyer,
C. Michael,
Craig Michoski,
P.G. Milne,
G. Minet,
A. Misleh,
Yu. V. Mitrishkin,
C.P. Moeller,
Kevin Montes,
M. Morales,
S. Mordijck,
D. Moreau,
Shira Morosohk,
P. F. Morris,
L. A. Morton,
Auna Moser,
R. A. Moyer,
Cody Moynihan,
T. Mrazkova,
D. Mueller,
S. Munaretto,
J. M. Muñoz Burgos,
Christopher J. Murphy,
K. R. Murphy,
C. M. Muscatello,
C. E. Myers,
A. Nagy,
Giridhar Nandipati,
Moses Navarro,
F. Nave,
G. A. Navratil,
R. Nazikian,
Anton Neff,
G.H. Neilson,
Tom Neiser,
W. Neiswanger,
D. E. Nelson,
A. Nelson,
F. Nespoli,
Randy Nguyen,
Linh Nguyen,
X. Nguyen,
J.H. Nichols,
M. Nocente,
S.H. Nogami,
S. Noraky,
Nikolai Norausky,
M. D. Nornberg,
R.E. Nygren,
T. Odstrčil,
D. Ogas,
T. O’Gorman,
S. Ohdachi,
Y. Ohtani,
M. Okabayashi,
M. Okamoto,
L. Olavson,
Erik Olofsson,
M. O’Mullane,
R.C. O’Neill,
D. M. Orlov,
W.J. Orvis,
T.H. Osborne,
D. C. Pace,
G. P. Canal,
A. Martínez,
Luisa Palacios,
C.H. Pan,
Qingjiang Pan,
Rishi Pandit,
M. D. Pandya,
A.Y. Pankin,
Y. Park,
J. Park,
J. Park,
Scott Parker,
P. B. Parks,
M. Parsons,
Bhavin S Patel,
C. J. Pawley,
C. Paz-Soldan,
W. A. Peebles,
S. Pelton,
R. Perillo,
C. C. Petty,
Y. Peysson,
Dylan Pierce,
A.Yu. Pigarov,
L. Pigatto,
D.A. Piglowski,
S. D. Pinches,
R. I. Pinsker,
P. Piovesan,
Nicholas Piper,
A. Pironti,
R.A. Pitts,
J. Pizzo,
U. Plank,
M. Podestà,
E. Poli,
F. M. Poli,
D. Ponce,
Ž. Popović,
M. Porkoláb,
G. D. Porter,
Christopher M. Powers,
S. Powers,
R. Prater,
Quinn Pratt,
István Pusztai,
Jinping Qian,
Xijie Qin,
Ookjoo Ra,
Tariq Rafiq,
Taylor Raines,
R. Raman,
J. Rauch,
A. Raymond,
Cristina Rea,
M. Reich,
A. Reiman,
S. Reinhold,
M. Reinke,
Richard Reksoatmodjo,
Q. Ren,
Y. Ren,
Jun Ren,
M. E. Rensink,
J. Renteria,
T.L. Rhodes,
James K. Rice,
Richard B. Roberts,
John A. T. Robinson,
Pablo Rodriguez Fernandez,
T. D. Rognlien,
Aaron Rosenthal,
Stefano Rosiello,
J. C. Rost,
J.J. Roveto,
W.L. Rowan,
R. Rozenblat,
J. Ruane,
D.L. Rudakov,
Juan Ruiz Ruiz,
R. Rupani,
S. Saarelma,
S. Sabbagh,
Jai Sachdev,
Juan José Sáenz,
S. M. Saib,
M. Salewski,
A. Salmi,
B. Sammuli,
Cameron Samuell,
A. M. Sandorfi,
Chaofeng Sang,
J. S. Sarff,
O. Sauter,
K.M. Schaubel,
L. Schmitz,
O. Schmitz,
J. Schneider,
Patrick Schroeder,
K. Schultz,
Eugenio Schuster,
Jacob Schwartz,
Francesco Sciortino,
F. Scotti,
J.T. Scoville,
Andrew Seltzman,
S.Y. Seol,
I. Sfiligoi,
M.W. Shafer,
S. E. Sharapov,
H.G. Shen,
Zhicai Sheng,
T. D. Shepard,
Shengyu Shi,
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Giwook Shin,
D. Shiraki,
Ricardo Shousha,
Hang Si,
P. Simmerling,
G. Sinclair,
Joyeeta Sinha,
P. Sinha,
G. Sips,
T. Sizyuk,
Charles Skinner,
A D Sladkomedova,
T. Slendebroek,
Jelle Slief,
R.D. Smirnov,
John P. Smith,
S. F. Smith,
David R. Smith,
J. A. Snipes,
G. Snoep,
Alan M. Snyder,
P. B. Snyder,
E. R. Solano,
W. M. Solomon,
Junhyuk Song,
A. C. Sontag,
V. Soukhanovskii,
J. Spendlove,
D. A. Spong,
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Weston M. Stacey,
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T. Stange,
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R. Tavzes J. Stefan,
R. Stemprok,
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P. J. Sun,
Zhuo Sun,
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J. Sungcoco,
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A. Thornton,
Ang Ti,
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J.F. Tooker,
A. Torrezan De Sousa,
G.L. Trevisan,
Sudhir Tripathi,
A. Trujillo Ochoa,
Dinh Truong,
C. Tsui,
F. Turco,
A. Turnbull,
M. Umansky,
E.A. Unterberg,
Payam Vaezi,
P. J. Vail,
Julian Valdez,
W. Valkis,
B. Van Compernolle,
J. Van Galen,
R. van Kampen,
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Geert Verdoolaege,
N. Vianello,
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E. Viezzer,
S. Vincena,
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F. L. Waelbroeck,
Josiah Wai,
Takuma Wakatsuki,
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R. E. Waltz,
W.R. Wampler,
Liang Wang,
H. Wang,
Y. Wang,
H. Wang,
Z. Wang,
H. Wang,
Z. Wang,
Y. Wang,
G. Wang,
S. J. Ward,
Michael Watkins,
J. G. Watkins,
W Wehner,
Yug Wei,
M. Weiland,
David B. Weisberg,
A.S. Welander,
Anne White,
R.B. White,
S. Wiesen,
R.S. Wilcox,
Theresa Wilks,
M. Willensdorfer,
H. R. Wilson,
A. Wingen,
M. Wolde,
Michael S Wolff,
K. Woller,
Anna Wolz,
H. V. Wong,
S. Woodruff,
Mingfu Wu,
Yewen Wu,
S.J. Wukitch,
G. A. Wurden,
W.W. Xiao,
Ruifeng Xie,
Zichuan Xing,
X. Q. Xu,
Chi Xu,
G. S. Xu,
Zhaohui Yan,
Xu Yang,
SeongMoo Yang,
T. Yokoyama,
Ryota Yoneda,
M. Yoshida,
K.-I. You,
Timothy Younkin,
J. H. Yu,
Minghai Yu,
G. Q. Yu,
Q.P. Yuan,
L. Zaidenberg,
L. Zakharov,
A. Zamengo,
Shawn Zamperini,
M. C. Zarnstorff,
Emi U. Zeger,
K. Zeller,
L. Zeng,
M. Zerbini,
L. Zhang,
X. Zhang,
R. Zhang,
B. Zhang,
J. Zhang,
J. Zhang,
Liping Zhao,
Bingzhe Zhao,
Yuan Zheng,
Lin Zheng,
Ben Zhu,
Jinxiang Zhu,
Yiren Zhu,
Yiren Zhu,
M. Zsutty,
M. Zuin
Publication year - 2022
Publication title -
nuclear fusion
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.774
H-Index - 120
eISSN - 1741-4326
pISSN - 0029-5515
DOI - 10.1088/1741-4326/ac2ff2
Subject(s) - divertor , tokamak , physics , pedestal , nuclear engineering , fusion power , plasma , magnetic confinement fusion , nuclear physics , computational physics , mechanical engineering , engineering
DIII-D physics research addresses critical challenges for the operation of ITER and the next generation of fusion energy devices. This is done through a focus on innovations to provide solutions for high performance long pulse operation, coupled with fundamental plasma physics understanding and model validation, to drive scenario development by integrating high performance core and boundary plasmas. Substantial increases in off-axis current drive efficiency from an innovative top launch system for EC power, and in pressure broadening for Alfven eigenmode control from a co-/counter- I p steerable off-axis neutral beam, all improve the prospects for optimization of future long pulse/steady state high performance tokamak operation. Fundamental studies into the modes that drive the evolution of the pedestal pressure profile and electron vs ion heat flux validate predictive models of pedestal recovery after ELMs. Understanding the physics mechanisms of ELM control and density pumpout by 3D magnetic perturbation fields leads to confident predictions for ITER and future devices. Validated modeling of high- Z shattered pellet injection for disruption mitigation, runaway electron dissipation, and techniques for disruption prediction and avoidance including machine learning, give confidence in handling disruptivity for future devices. For the non-nuclear phase of ITER, two actuators are identified to lower the L–H threshold power in hydrogen plasmas. With this physics understanding and suite of capabilities, a high poloidal beta optimized-core scenario with an internal transport barrier that projects nearly to Q = 10 in ITER at ∼8 MA was coupled to a detached divertor, and a near super H-mode optimized-pedestal scenario with co- I p beam injection was coupled to a radiative divertor. The hybrid core scenario was achieved directly, without the need for anomalous current diffusion, using off-axis current drive actuators. Also, a controller to assess proximity to stability limits and regulate β N in the ITER baseline scenario, based on plasma response to probing 3D fields, was demonstrated. Finally, innovative tokamak operation using a negative triangularity shape showed many attractive features for future pilot plant operation.