Research Library

Premium Reflexive action research: Developing knowledge through practice
Lees John
Publication year2001
Publication title
counselling and psychotherapy research
Resource typeJournals
This paper gives an overview of different ways of conducting counselling and psychotherapy research. An approach to research is described which overcomes the research‐practice gap: reflexive action research. It is argued that this approach to research is particularly appropriate and relevant for practitioners since it draws upon skills and awareness necessary for clinical work, and can complement positivist methods of research which are already well established in the profession. The wider use of systematic clinical case studies is suggested as a means of promoting the reflexive action research approach. Further consideration of issues of validity and reliability is required on the part of those intending to apply this approach within the field of therapy research.
Subject(s)action (physics) , action research , biochemistry , chemistry , complement (music) , complementation , economics , engineering , engineering ethics , epistemology , field (mathematics) , gene , management science , mathematics , pedagogy , phenotype , philosophy , physics , positivism , psychology , psychotherapist , pure mathematics , quantum mechanics , reflexivity , social science , sociology
SCImago Journal Rank0.38

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