Long‐Term Stream Discharge and Suspended‐Sediment Database, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, United States
Author(s) -
Pierson Frederick B.,
Slaughter Charles W.,
Cram Zane K.
Publication year - 2001
Publication title -
water resources research
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.863
H-Index - 217
eISSN - 1944-7973
pISSN - 0043-1397
DOI - 10.1029/2001wr000420
Subject(s) - watershed , hydrology (agriculture) , environmental science , elevation (ballistics) , sediment , rangeland , discharge , water quality , geography , geology , ecology , drainage basin , geomorphology , engineering , agroforestry , geotechnical engineering , cartography , structural engineering , machine learning , computer science , biology
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center initiated a stream discharge and suspended‐sediment research program at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in the early 1960s. Continuous discharge measurements began at two sites in 1963, at three additional sites in 1964, and at eight additional sites in subsequent years. Contributing areas to these gauging stations range from 1.03 to >23,822 ha, selected to represent the broad range of environmental settings found across northwestern rangelands. Quality‐controlled, validated breakpoint and hourly stream discharge data sets are available for these 13 sites for the period 1963 through 1996 (or for a subset of that time for some sites). Suspended‐sediment data are available for three gauging stations (high elevation, middle elevation, and low elevation). All data are available on the Northwest Watershed Research Center anonymous ftp site (