A record of the micro‐structure of a cold front
Author(s) -
Samuel D. R.
Publication year - 1952
Publication title -
quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.744
H-Index - 143
eISSN - 1477-870X
pISSN - 0035-9009
DOI - 10.1002/qj.49707833813
Subject(s) - momentum (technical analysis) , front (military) , cold front , water vapor , geology , meteorology , atmospheric sciences , azimuth , mechanics , optics , physics , finance , economics
Abstract A record is presented showing the fine structure of wind speed, azimuth and inclination, temperature and water‐vapour pressure taken over a five‐minute period within which a cold frontal passage occurred. A particular advantage of the method of recording, using rapid‐response instruments, is the graphic illustration provided of the extreme sharpness of the front. The transition zone, estimated to be 70 m in horizontal extent, passed in 8 sec, during which time the temperature fell 5°C and the water‐vapour pressure increased by 2 mb. The record, together with two others taken shortly before and after, has been analysed and the results, including the mean vertical velocities, the vertical eddy fluxes of heat, water vapour and momentum, and the K values for heat are presented. Direct evidence is submitted of the vertical eddy transfer of heat, water vapour and momentum through the transition zone.

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