Lead‐Induced Alterations of In Vitro Bone Marrow Cell Responses to Colony Stimulating Factor‐1
Author(s) -
Kowolenko Michael,
Tracy Leigh,
Lawrence David A.
Publication year - 1989
Publication title -
journal of leukocyte biology
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 1.819
H-Index - 191
eISSN - 1938-3673
pISSN - 0741-5400
DOI - 10.1002/jlb.45.3.198
Subject(s) - bone marrow , biology , in vitro , immune system , thymidine , growth factor , macrophage , cell growth , cell , cell cycle , colony stimulating factor , macrophage colony stimulating factor , immunology , endocrinology , medicine , microbiology and biotechnology , haematopoiesis , receptor , biochemistry , stem cell
Abstract Bone marrow cell responsiveness to hemapoietic growth factors is an integral part of immune responsiveness. Since host resistance is often dependent on bone marrow cell responsiveness and Pb alters host resistance, the influence of Pb on bone marrow cell responsiveness to the hemapoietic growth factor CSF‐1 was evaluated. Cell number, soft agar colony formation, cell cycle analysis, as well as 3 H‐thymidine incorporation were utilized to determine if CSF‐1 driven bone marrow‐derived macrophage (BMDM) proliferation in vitro is altered in the presence of PbCI 2 . Data obtained indicate that Pb potentiates the ability of CSF‐1 to stimulate thymidine incorporation by BMDM; however, colony formation is inhibited reversibly, and the absolute number of cells in culture is adversely affected by Pb. Propagation of BMDM appears to be more sensitive to Pb (100 nM) than other immune parameters. The decrease in bone marrow cell responsiveness to CSF‐1 in the presence of Pb observed in this system may contribute to the decrease in host resistance observed in Pb‐exposed animals.