Determining Reserve and Equalizing Storages
Author(s) -
Neumayer Carl A.
Publication year - 1962
Publication title -
journal ‐ american water works association
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.466
H-Index - 74
eISSN - 1551-8833
pISSN - 0003-150X
DOI - 10.1002/j.1551-8833.1962.tb00859.x
Subject(s) - function (biology) , computer science , biology , evolutionary biology
This article discusses general definitions of reserve and equalizing storage, along with contrasting the basic concepts underlying the intended function of reserve storage and equalizing storage. The article presents several empirical formulas, which can be used in applicable situations to determine the amount of fire reserve storage needed at present or in the future. A statistical method illustrating how present and future equalizing storage needs may be determined is presented, and several general observations are made concerning some of the factors involved in locating reserve or equalizing storage facilities in the distribution system.