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Premium Organic carbon transport in the Songhua River, NE China: Influence of land use
Sun Huiguo,
Han Jingtai,
Li Dongwei,
Lu Xixi,
Zhang Haibo,
Zhao Wei
Publication year2017
Publication title
hydrological processes
Resource typeJournals
Abstract Carbon transported by rivers is an important component of the global carbon cycle. Here, we report on organic carbon transport along the third largest river in China, the Songhua River, and its major tributaries. Water samples were collected seasonally or more frequently to determine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations and C/N and stable carbon isotopic ratios. Principal component analysis and multiple regression analysis of these data, in combination with hydrological records for the past 50 years, were used to determine the major factors influencing the riverine carbon fluxes. Results indicate that the organic carbon in the Songhua River basin is derived mainly from terrestrial sources. In the 2008–2009 hydrological year, the mean concentrations of DOC and POC were 5.87 and 2.36 mg/L, and the estimated fluxes of the DOC and POC were 0.30 and 0.14 t·km −2 ·year −1 , respectively. The riverine POC and DOC concentrations were higher in subcatchments with more cropland, but the area‐specific fluxes were lower, owing to decreased discharge. We found that hydrological characteristics and land‐use type (whether forest or cropland) were the most important factors influencing carbon transport in this system. Agricultural activity, particularly irrigation, is the principal cause of changes in water discharge and carbon export. Over the last 50 years, the conversion of forest to cropland has reduced riverine carbon exports mainly through an associated decrease in discharge following increased extraction of water for irrigation.
Subject(s)biology , carbon cycle , carbon fibers , cartography , chemistry , composite material , composite number , dissolved organic carbon , drainage basin , ecology , ecosystem , environmental chemistry , environmental science , geography , geology , geotechnical engineering , hydrology (agriculture) , irrigation , materials science , total organic carbon , tributary
SCImago Journal Rank1.222

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