A study of the influence of promotions on promotion satisfaction and expectations of future promotions among managers
Author(s) -
De Souza Gita
Publication year - 2002
Publication title -
human resource development quarterly
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.756
H-Index - 65
eISSN - 1532-1096
pISSN - 1044-8004
DOI - 10.1002/hrdq.1034
Subject(s) - promotion (chess) , marketing , business , human resources , positive relationship , human resource management , resource (disambiguation) , psychology , public relations , management , social psychology , economics , political science , computer network , politics , computer science , law
Abstract The influence of past promotions on the promotion outcomes of satisfaction with promotion magnitude,opportunity, policies and practices, and expectations of future promotions are studied for managers. Datacollected from and analyzed for 183 male and female managers in organizations across the United States reveal asignificant positive relationship between the number of previous promotions awarded to managers by theemploying organization and the satisfaction with promotion magnitude, opportunity, and policies and practices.The data further reveal a significant positive relationship between the number of prior promotions receivedwithin management and the manager's expectations of future promotions from the employing organization. Thefindings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical significance for the field of human resourcedevelopment.