Infiltration Behaviour of Polymer‐ M odified Porous Concrete and Porous Asphalt Surfaces used in Su DS Techniques
Author(s) -
SañudoFontaneda Luis A.,
RodriguezHernandez Jorge,
CalzadaPérez Miguel A.,
CastroFresno Daniel
Publication year - 2014
Publication title -
clean – soil, air, water
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.444
H-Index - 66
eISSN - 1863-0669
pISSN - 1863-0650
DOI - 10.1002/clen.201300156
Subject(s) - clogging , infiltration (hvac) , permeameter , pervious concrete , porosity , infiltrometer , surface runoff , geotechnical engineering , asphalt , materials science , swale , drainage , environmental science , porous medium , hydraulic conductivity , composite material , geology , soil science , stormwater , cement , soil water , ecology , archaeology , biology , history
Permeable pavements are one of the world's most widely applied techniques for source control in sustainable drainage systems. Porous concrete (PC) and porous asphalt (PA) are two of the most studied surfaces in terms of runoff reduction. Nevertheless, previous research has highlighted a lack of a comprehensive laboratory methodology for the analysis of the topographical variables, runoff surface length ( R SL ) and surface slope ( S S ), and their impact on the infiltration behaviour of these porous surfaces. This research paper analyses the infiltration performance of polymer‐modified PC and PA‐16 for 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10% slope on newly built and clogged surfaces, using an improved version of the Cantabrian fixed infiltrometer and LCS permeameter, enabling comparison of the infiltration behaviour. This laboratory methodology has proved to be well suited to the study of the infiltration behaviour of porous surfaces and also to the quantification of their infiltration capacity reduction due to clogging. As main results, this paper presents regression models with high R 2 obtained with a confidence level of 95%, based on R SL and S S variables, corresponding to each porous surface and clogging level.

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