Peculiar Nonmonotonic Water Incorporation in Oxides Detected by Local In Situ Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
Author(s) -
Yu Ji Haeng,
Lee JongSook,
Maier Joachim
Publication year - 2007
Publication title -
angewandte chemie international edition
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 5.831
H-Index - 550
eISSN - 1521-3773
pISSN - 1433-7851
DOI - 10.1002/anie.200701765
Subject(s) - chemistry , kinetics , diffusion , hydrogen , oxygen , absorption (acoustics) , spectroscopy , oxide , chemical physics , absorption spectroscopy , photochemistry , proton , in situ , decoupling (probability) , analytical chemistry (journal) , materials science , thermodynamics , optics , organic chemistry , physics , quantum mechanics , composite material , control engineering , engineering
Hydrogen first, oxygen next : The kinetics of water incorporation in situ has been followed by spatially resolved local optical absorption spectroscopy as well as by integral conductance by using SrTiO 3 as a model oxide proton conductor. The surprising nonmonotonic redox kinetics can be explained by a decoupling of the H 2 O diffusion into a fast diffusion of hydrogen and a more sluggish diffusion of oxygen (see picture).

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